In this section we're going to look at one of the key elements of the PR role, which is issues management. issues, management can be absolutely fundamental to the success of your organization. What is issues management? issues management is a proactive strategy to manage existing and potential threats to the organization to prevent them from turning into crises. Remember, when we talked earlier about your target audiences? We often forget that there are many stakeholders out there who are not customers, but who are interested in the organization and may have an impact on its effectiveness.
Think of stuff unions, the local community, environmental groups, industry associations, and different levels of government. some or all of these may have an issue with the organization which has the potential to result in a crisis, if not managed properly. These are some steps to be taken in issues management. Firstly, research and find the stakeholders who could have an issue with your organization. For example the neighbors around your factory. then identify the issues.
For instance, people who live in streets x, y, and Zed and are complaining that the factories trucks are noisy and cause potholes through excessive produce. Then prioritize the issues so that you can concentrate on the most important ones, which do you think are a current or imminent threat to the organization? Next, assess the threat. In this instance, it could be picketing negative publicity in the local papers, legal action against the organization, or maybe even sabotage of the offending tracks, then develop a strategy to mitigate the issue. For example, meeting neighborhood groups to determine exactly their concerns. Limiting the time the tracks drive by the neighbors or offering to finance the resurfacing of the roads.
Then implement the strategy ensuring that your stakeholders are kept informed at all times. And finally monitor and evaluate the outcomes. threat of legal action withdrawn. 50% less negative coverage. In the local press or something like that, in summary issues management is becoming an increasingly important tool in the PR person's arsenal. Today, we know more than ever, that companies can only really operate effectively if they're in harmony with their stakeholders, and increasingly large part of that responsibility lies with the PR department.