Hello, and welcome to our next meditation technique on chord removal. So this one's really profound. And I've used this one quite a lot. And so this can be used to help people get outside or get themselves removed from negative relationships. And more often than not, it commonly happens within the context of family. So.
So it's really simple. Like someone can be having some sort of discomfort they're feeling in their body or stress around a particular relationship. And all you have to ask the person and I've done this a lot, and it's very effective ask my very simple question says, Is anyone sucking your energy? And if there is, they'll know right away and they'll say, yeah, it's like my mother in law or something, you know? And then the next question you want to ask them Where do you feel it in your body as if it was like an umbilical cord or something? And like, Oh, well, you know, that's kind of funny that you asked because I can actually feel the sucking energy coming right out of my lower back or somewhere wherever else they feel it.
And so. So now you have the the energy pinpointed and where it is in the body, and you've identified it as an energy sucking relationship. So what you want to do is you want to take your audience into a deeply relaxed state, very simply identify where they feel that in their body and to let that cord go until essentially allow it to kind of snap back to who belongs to. And then in the same instance, you want your audience to call their energy back from whoever has been taking their energy and so this was pretty amazing because I've seen this particular meditation completely transform relationships in it was just in a few days, and people can also feel themselves getting their own energy. back into their body. So this one can be quite amazing.
You know, it's something you definitely want to use at one point if you're working long term and say in a psychological situation with a client or so. So again, please visit the summary use it to practice with and I'll see at the sample meditation