Hello, and welcome to the lecture on the next meditation technique in Thai life contract. And this meditation can be used very effectively when people are trying to gain empowerment in their life when they want to make some decisions and direction and kind of take control of life circumstances. And so how it works is like this. So you'll have your audience, take them into a deeply relaxed state and call it the situation in in the context of their lives, whatever they're interested in working on. So maybe they're at a point where they need to, at the crossroads of their career, or maybe even a relationship. And so you haven't go into this, like board meeting or a room where they can have a meeting.
And on the table is their life contract. And the contract is fulfilled up to this date. And so they can go through the contract, whatever it is. They want to, they can omit whatever they want. They can keep the things in the contract that they like. Or they can add things to the contract that they want to live out in the rest of their lives.
So this can be very powerful to help people make and facilitate change in their lives in a very healthy and empowering way. So again, visit the script to practice with and let's go to the sample meditation on this very self empowering technique.