Hello, and welcome to the next core lesson titled continuous personal development, increasing the value of you. As you can guess the main purpose of this core lesson is personal development, not just personal development, but continued personal development. So let's start off with our daily quote, education doesn't cease when you leave the university. Education is a lifetime process. And now you need to become self educated, which means, of course, we put in a lot of time getting an education in high school and university. But a lot of people tend to abandon their education once they graduate University, and that's a mistake.
What you want to do is continue to develop yourself so that you become better tomorrow than you are today. And that will help solidify a successful position for you and your career as time progresses, especially compared to The competition around you. So today we're going to start off with our introduction and mystery question as usual, then we'll go into and sort of define what is continuous personal development, and why should you do it. Then we'll look at the three parts to continuous personal development, which include number one, your attitude and your philosophy. Number two, the physical, your health and your appearance. And number three, the mental continuously building your brain.
And finally, we'll get to the answer of the mystery question. So, let's go to our mystery question. Take a look at the people in this photo. How many of these people can you identify my name? Take a moment and guess. Let's start from the top left, and make our way down to the bottom right in the top left We have Will Smith, then Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, JK Rowling, Frederick Douglass, Oprah Winfrey, Malcolm X. Nikola Tesla, Warren Buffett, Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, he Kuan Yew, Madeleine Albright and Winston Churchill.
So my question to you today is, what do all of these people have specifically in common regarding continuous personal development? They all attribute doing the same thing as a major cause for their success and continued success. What could that one thing be? Keep that in mind, try to guess as we progress throughout this core lesson, and if you listen carefully, you might be able to get the answer correct. The answer to this question gives additional benefits to just success and those include improved focus and concentration. 2009 study showed that this is the most effective way to reduce stress.
It only took an average of six minutes to lower the heart rate in muscle tension after starting this particular exercise, and it can slow down the process of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. This sounds fantastic, doesn't it? So what could this one thing be? Keep that in mind? What we've looked at just now and continuous personal development is that number one, that a lot of successful people share one particular thing in common that was a major contributor to their success. And that this particular thing has some interesting additional benefits.
So try to guess as we progress throughout this lesson. Okay. So let's go on to the next part. What is continuous personal development, and why should you be doing it?