Welcome back to 20 moves in 20 days, today we are going to learn a simple jet step called a kick ball change. Alright, so a ball change in general is really straightforward. No worries at all with this step. So the first thing that you're going to do is just put your feet just a little bit apart. So ball change is simply the transfer of weight from the ball of one foot to the ball, the other foot, and you can do them in all sorts of different directions. But let's just practice just that much to start.
So we're going to be up on the balls of our feet, we're going to go back, front, back front, essentially, right now I'm just sort of doing like a tic talking motion, right? Just back and forth, back front, you can do with the other foot in front too, of course. Right? Just like so. And then if you were to get really funky, you could do it to the side. We don't do that as much, but it is still a ball change.
So all of those count. Now when we do a kick, ball, change what I'm doing gonna do is flick my foot out to the front with a pointed toe flick, and then I'm going to bring it back and do a ball change. So I go flick, back front, flick back, front, flick back, front, flick back front. So as you'll notice the same leg that flicks out front is the one that goes behind the other one to go back, front and that's your ball change. Okay, let's try it with the left foot as well. So we have flick, back, front, flick back, front, flick back, front, flick back, front, good.
So as you'll notice, as well, I really do want to think about pointing my feet. So from the very beginning, it's not just about pointing my toes, because if I just put my toes and my ankles not pointed, this is what my foot looks like, not very great. And if I just put my ankles are not my toes, then this is what my foot looks like. Okay? So you want to think about actually pointing your whole foot, which is your ankle and your toes. Okay?
The other thing too is that this motion does get straight. Yes, it flicks out. So it comes for a bent knee. But at the end of it, you're definitely wanting to get to a fully extended leg before you bring it in and do your ball change. Okay, I'm gonna show you perspective from the other side, as well. So with our right leg, we're gonna flick that out.
We're gonna go, flick, ball, change, flick, ball, change, flick, ball, change, flick, ball, change, good and the other side, flick, ball, change. ball, change, flick, ball, change, flick, ball change, and that is your kick, ball change. Good work today. I'll see you back here tomorrow.