Welcome back to 20 moves in 20 days. Today we are going to learn a jazz square. These are so much fun if it feels like you're getting your feet a little tangled up to start. But honestly, as soon as you master them, you're going to enjoy them. And it's one of those things to where you can really jazz these up. No pun intended, but kind of pun intended.
Because you can do all sorts of things with your arms even have different ways of moving your shoulders with the step or add a snapper to so great basic step to learn. You can really build on this step two, okay, there are a couple of schools of thought on this. He didn't do it in a couple different ways. But I will teach you one way. And then if you're asked to do it in a different way, usually all that means is that the order of steps changes slightly, but the steps themselves don't. So it's pretty straightforward.
If you know a basic jazz where you can do a lot with it and do variations and it won't trip you up. Okay. So I'm just going to start with my hands on my hips. I'm going to bring my right foot forward, like so. I'm going to cross my left or my right, like so. I'm going to step back right setback left case, I'm going to come back to my parallel position how I started.
So it's four steps. If I'm going to the right, it goes right, left, right, left. Pretty straightforward. So I step right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left and right, left, right, left, right, cross, left, right, left. Good. I'm going to show you that too.
So that I'm facing the other way. That way you can see it kind of from behind and then we'll do the left side as well. But starting with the right foot forward, I go right crust, left, step back, right, step back, left, right. Cross left, step back, right, step back, left, right, cross, left, step back, right, step back, left and our right, cross left, right, left, right, cross left, right, left. All right, good. Okay, now we're gonna do it with our left foot.
So I step forward left, here. I cross right over left, here, step back, left, step back, right. So I go left, right, left, right and left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right and left, right, left. Right, good. Okay, facing this way. I step.
Left, right, left, right and left, right, left, right. Left, right, left, right and left, right, left. Right. Excellent. Okay. So oftentimes, in a combination, what I might throw in is ones flow too quick.
And I'm just going to show that to you just so you can practice it for fun, can actually face the other way. But if you feel like you want a little more of a challenge, maybe we want to go a little faster. This is the fun little ditty, you can do. Okay? So I'm going to start slow. And then I'm going to do too fast.
So I go, right and the left and the right and the left and a right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left. Yeah. All right. And then I'm going to go left. Slow, slow, slow, slow, faster. One.
And two. There you have it. You got it. Congratulations. That is your them jazz square. Like I said, you can add all sorts of variations to it.
If you want to add some snaps. That's always fun. You can add some arms you could do do something like 12341234. I mean, it's, it's up to your imagination how you want to add arms or not. But I would recommend playing with some different things to help with your coordination. And that way, when you're adding it to a combination later, it feels pretty natural.
Alright, good work today. That was pivot turns. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.