Cool, let's open the measure. So here we no need to create 100% structured. So but we'll try to create a maximum number of structured elements. So here I don't think we have any concentrated stress concentration areas and one more thing is normally if we have a small phillotson chamfers we can eliminate them we can neglect them, but here we don't see any or any small phillotson chamfers. So directly we can take this model so This is my son getting updated. So you can see, this is not like a normal measure here itself, we can cue the inputs and we can take the results itself.
So first just generate our default mesh just click on Generate so you can see how the mesh has been created. So let's convert into structured mesh. So first choose the element Type. So, take hedger dominant and try generating it. So, now you can see So, what we can do is so we can use a sizing so that it will be more clear but it will take a lot of time for us so let's let's do that. So, first select this incising Vinod select this and this edge this edge and this edge.
So, call to insert sizing number of divisions just you all so, just use some 30 later we can change it if we need and do the same for this also hold Ctrl select all this adjust and make them number of divisions. So that is also 30 so once we have done with it, select this and This so so here since it is a big one, let's make it 16 and do the same for this. Alright. So for that I'll just take 60 but the number of divisions that is 60 All right. So now he'll and he'll be helped given the head sizing. So similarly we can do for this also.
So what we can do is hold Ctrl select All ages given this side also sizing so he will see ya 10 and what we can do is here also you can see the edges so just select all the corner edges so do the same yeah okay did we can do our bit less number. So number of divisions so let's make it and here also. So here let's take tante so once we have done with it, the next thing what we can do is we can kill this thing. So saving so this is a very big one. Let's take 101 more thing pending is this one So, hold control select all the facilitators sizing. So once we have done with that, so let's check the mesh now.
Then we can do the photo modifications to the mesh. So if you don't want to make it completely structurally hexa dominant, so what we can do is simply we can increase the relevance so that we can increase the number of elements. So, the notes also so automatically get high quality results. So here you can see and Now what we can do is so particularly inside you can see that is so that structure but the elements of or too high. So now what we can do is, we can go v map to fish mapping. Let's do that.