Of course, also, there are some shorts. Now some specific goals. For example, when you deal with the high ball you want to get again, higher. So you can see many times Federer or Gonzales or the pros, you know, they hit the ball of ground with their feet, what I was showing you until now is kind of the lowball side to stay down here really just calling, I didn't go that much up because there was no need. But when the ball is higher, of course, you need to get on top of the ball. So then it will be something like really going up there.
So you would end up hitting the ball off the ground. And again, you got great weight transfer, and you're gonna hit nice, then you're gonna transfer even more weight into the box when we get off ground. Really cool everything and we're gonna transfer everything into that bowl. So now how to deal with the higher balls which you can attack again. So I'm gonna get from my lax on top of it, and I usually by the time I'm hitting the ball when I get to the contact point, I'm gonna be up India. Again.
Great example who does this so well and thanks to all early You want to get on top of the ball. Federer again does it perfectly. Let's get into it. That's how we're gonna deal with the high ball.