Hello, and welcome to the lecture on the frequently asked question, can hypnotherapy help my relationship? Now, when someone asked that question, they're generally talking about their significant other, but it can be applied to just about anyone they're in relationship with, including family or people that they even work with. So when we get a question on relationship, what it boils down to is that we're there dealing or working with some kind of emotion. And so all the difficulties that we have in our lives, with emotion are all based on relationship to someone else. That could be a relationship with ourselves with our significant other, our parents, which is a big one, our siblings, our children, even the people we work with are our neighbors. And so in those difficulties with other people that we may have, what's the question that we want to ask him therapy?
Well, first, we want to see if it has a repeating pattern. Because if there is a repeating pattern to those emotions and context to relationship, then it tells us very clearly that there is a subconscious component to it from suppressed emotion from the past. So if someone asks, you can, can hypnotherapy help me with my relationships? The answer is very likely, especially if you can see repeating patterns throughout the course of your life. Now, one side note I'd like to mention with that question is that you can never override the freewill of another person. So you can't use hypnotherapy to change your wife or whatever to change the person that you're thinking about.
You can only change what's going on inside of you and releasing those suppressed emotions from the past. So that's it for that question. So let's move on to the next. See you there.