Hello, and welcome to the section on frequently asked questions. And the question we're going to answer today is, can I schedule a session for someone else? Now what may happen from time to time as you'll have a client who's very excited enthusiastic about the work that you do together, and they want to schedule an appointment for their spouse or friend or someone else, or maybe once in a while, you'll have an adult who wants to schedule an appointment for their adult child who's very who's struggling. And so, when someone asks you the question, can I schedule an appointment for so and so? The answer is absolutely not. And the reason it's no is because healing in this type of work takes a commitment and takes involvement.
So you need to be engaged in your own healing process. And one way you can train people to do that before the session begins, is to have them schedule their own appointments. Now, there's a couple exceptions. And that is an adult parent can schedule appointments for a child that's under the age of 18. So a minor child, and if someone has a disability or not able to schedule an appointment, then it's fine if somebody else scheduled it for them. So this brings me to another question I get from time to time.
And that is, it's usually with new patients who are coming the first time and they're a little uncomfortable or they're a little bit afraid. Now, the last Is it okay, if my husband or friend comes in and sits in on the session with me to provide some support. And for me, although that's not an ideal situation, it's okay. You know, as long as they know that when they come, they're going to be absolutely quiet and not disturb the sessions. So that's it for these frequently asked questions. So let's just move along to the next.
So I'll see you there.