Hello, and welcome to the lecture on emotions. Now emotions are very important in the world of hypnotherapy because in my work as a clinical hypnotherapist, I probably spent at least 80% of my time working with people on suppressed emotion from the past. So let's talk a little bit about the nature of emotion. So emotion is born to be experienced. And so when we go through our lives works will experience different emotions and stuff. It's part of the human experience.
And we when we experience those emotions fully, they'll essentially dissipate into the ether. So if you look at a small child, let's say they have an ice cream cone or whatever, they drop the ice cream cone on the sidewalk, they burst into tears, tears are dried, and then and then that's it. The kids have experienced their emotions fully and off they go. Now, when emotions are not experienced fully, they tend to get support pressed into the subconscious mind protected by the critical faculty. Now, the thing is, everyone has a natural tendency to not want to experience uncomfortable emotions get pain, or anger or sadness, depression, whatever. And so without thinking without knowing, and without intention or awareness, we avoid those uncomfortable emotions.
And so when we avoid those uncomfortable, uncomfortable emotions, they get suppressed into the subconscious mind. And once they're there, they're like little living entities, and they want to be led out so they can be experienced and complete their life cycle. So what will happen is that these emotions living inside of us will start to create scenarios in our lives where they can be experienced. So a scenario come up where we can experience sadness. And so if we continue to avoid that emotion, it will continue to be suppressed in the subconscious mind and sort of want to come out again and so what we'll start to see when We have suppressed emotion in the subconscious will start to see repeating patterns of the same pain or difficulties over and over again. And those could be in our health and our relationships and our finances, and everybody does it.
So. So when you're working as a hypnotherapist, one thing you want to really look for an ask people is if they have repeating patterns, because if they do, it's an absolute clear indication that the problem they're dealing with exists in the subconscious mind. So so the beauty again of hypnotherapy is to stop those repeating patterns is to release those suppressed emotions from the past. And we do that by going into a relaxed state, letting down the critical faculties of the mind and using one of our many techniques to help them release those suppressed emotions from the past and then they go on being healthy, happy, well adjusted individuals. So that's it for emotions. And let's keep moving on to our next lecture.
So I'll see you there.