Hello, and welcome to the lecture on group events. So when I talk about group events, what I'm referring to are group meditation events where you're doing meditation to a group of people. So when I first started doing this, once I had my chops down, I felt like I was pretty good at doing one on one sessions. I went out to businesses and offered free meditation events like for brown bag, lunch seminars. And I was very surprised how welcomed I wasn't how warm the reception was. So I went to a number of different businesses everywhere from like phone companies, to banks, I've gave presentations, even to doctors, yoga studios.
I had classes through the adult education program through the parks department. So there's all sorts of different possibilities there. And the beauty what I found of doing group meditation events Was that they're almost identical to private sessions. So they're really easy to do. And you can still hit a group of people. The only difference is, is in the beginning.
So instead of doing a pre session interview with someone, what you'll do is you'll pick a topic like say, distressing or stress reduction. And then you'll introduce that topic to your audience for a few moments, and then you go right into the meditation. And so it's the same, you want to subdue the lights, create kind of a sacred atmosphere, you know, if you're in a yoga studio, people can lay down if you're in a business conference room, they can just sit down in their comfortable chairs, you know, subdue the lights, make a sacred space, maybe put on some background music. And then Off you go, you go into the light relaxed state, and a deeper relaxed state and then use whatever technique you want to use to finish off the rest of the meditation. And then close it the same way you would a personal session.
And that's essentially it then Off you go. So I highly encourage you to give group meditations a try. You can either do them in person and now with the internet It's really easy to do live streaming. So, enough of that. Let's go on to the next lecture. I'll see you there.