Welcome back everyone. Well, we are making strides here getting our Lens of Truth of skill working. In this video, our goal is to utilize a timeline to modify our lens Active Time percentage variable that's this guy right over here. As this is value that our w BP magic timer, this widget right here is bound to whenever we use this skill, and that's it's gonna drive how quickly that Active Time meter drains once the skill is active. So you don't need to do this on your part. But right now I've got my w BP magic timer open.
And if you remember, right, we had this progress bar bound to a function. And if I look at the function, this is being driven by whatever the value of our selected white magic is whatever that selected white magics lens or Active Time percentages. In this case, we're focusing on the lens Active Time percentage. So we're going to use a timeline to manipulate this variable over in our BP player. So let's jump on over to our BP player. And if you aren't already here, again, you can locate it by coming under this directory, BP player open it up.
We are in our white magic tab. And this is what we have put together so far. For our Lens of Truth skill. We are going to be working off this sequence node right here once again, but we're going to be working down in this area. So we're gonna create a timeline. Right click, search for time line, it's always this bottom one down here, and we're going to name this timeline lens active timer.
And with that, I'm going to double click on it to open it up, we are going to add a float track once again. And this float track we're going to call lens Active Time percentage. I'm going to change the length here from five seconds to eight seconds. Now the length of this track is going to be critical. This is what's actually going to determine how many seconds it's going to take for your lens Active Time meter to drain and thus undo our Lens of Truth skill. deactivated if you will.
So with that, let's add a couple of keys in here. I'm going to shift and left click one time shift and left click another time doesn't really matter where you click for now because we're going to hard set these values. Select your first key here. The first one is going to be set at time zero and the value is going to B one, whereas the next one we select here is going to be at a time of eight seconds, and the value is going to be zero. And if you click your zoom to fit here, a little buttons here that'll frame up what this is going to look like. So over the course of eight seconds, we're going to go from a value of one to a value of zero.
Why from one to zero because our lens Active Time percentage here which defaults to one represents a full meter. Remember our w BP magic timer is being bound to that variable here. In this progress bar, when it is one, it is all the way filled, but when it is zero, it is all the way empty and any values in between here show some variation as to how Full it is it's point five, it's gonna be half full, etc. Okay, let's jump back to our BP player here, we can exit out of this timeline here, we don't really need that anymore. Let's actually exit out of our other timeline from the previous video. So here is our lens active timer timeline.
And you can see we now have a new output. Sweet. Okay, so with that, let me flip my page notes here. We've got this sequence node with several pins. We're going to take our then to output and this is going to plug into our play from start and it's very important that you plug it into the play from start as opposed to just the play because we always want to play this from the start whenever this is going to get called. Okay, so next what we're going to do is bring in our lens Active Time percentage variable.
I'm going to click and drag it into my graph. We want to set this and we're going to say This to be whatever our lens Active Time percentage is determined by from our timeline. Okay, we can take our update here, and as our timeline updates, it's going to modify our lens Active Time percentage value again at zero seconds, it'll be one, then over the course of eight seconds, it's going to drain this all the way down to zero. Which in turn is going to drive how filled our meter is in w BP w magic timer. Okay, let me actually leave a comment on this note here too. This is a reminder for you.
Let's right click on this and leave a node comment I'm gonna write length of track determines lens time allowed must plug into play from start So if you want your lens ability to last longer than eight seconds or shorter than eight seconds, what you will want to do is change the length of your track. And also, when you change the length of your track, make sure that you update the time for this a second key here, just FYI, if you're not happy with our eight second count here. Okay, so now we need some way to stop this timer. If we manually turn off this ability, again, this our white magic skills, we're going to be able to manually turn them on and off, as well as them being auto turned off after eight seconds. So I'm going to right click right in front of our timeline, and I'm going to create a custom event, add custom event.
We just did a search for that up there. And I'm going to call this lens timer stop. exclamation point. And we're going to plug this into the stop input of our time. timeline. Of course, nothing is calling this yet.
So we will deal with that next. Right up towards the beginning of this growingly monstrous script. We're going to make it so that if we are using our Lens of Truth, we're not only going to call our lens deactivated, but we're going to drag off of this in call lens timer stop. And again, the reason we're doing this is because we can manually deactivate this if we're detecting that we're already using it. And that we eventually call this again we're going to say hey ledger, deactivate it and we want to stop our lens timer. So this is making a wireless call right here over to this custom event.
Okay, with that in place, we then need to Let's see stop my page notes right here by lens timer stop. Okay, we're going to add another Custom Event sorry I'm in the wrong part of my graph. We're going to add another Custom Event right up here, right click add a custom event. And we're going to call this one lens timer up. And this is gonna plug into our lens, the activated in our lens timer stop. Now what is calling this Custom Event Well, when our timer down here, our lens active timer, this timeline that we just created is finished.
We need some way of shutting this all down, calling this in calling this will off of our lens active timer timeline here we've got this finished output and we can drag off of this and do a search for lens timer. Stop That custom event that we just created. So let's kind of move this like that notice finishes being plugged into this. So this is making a call when this timeline is finished to here, which is then going to make a call over to this custom event and this Custom Event lenzi activated is going to call this right here to reverse our camera effect. And lens timer stop is going to make a call over to this custom event to stop our timer. Okay, hopefully that wasn't too confusing with that.
Let's just drag out a marquee selection around this section and nodes. Left click and drag tap the C key and I will call this o let's call it lens active timer and let me put eight seconds in parentheses just so it's clear how long this currently is. Move that like so. And then up here, we've got these three nodes kind of up towards the beginning. Let's just left click around the three nodes and I'm going to hit the C key and I'm going to call this our Lens of Truth off. All these deal with turning our Lens of Truth also kind of good to just separate those just for organizational purposes.
All right, let's go ahead and compile and say that looks like we are error free. Guys that will do it all for this video. still more work to be done, but I'm excited to see where this ends up. See you in the next one.