Welcome everyone. Character movement basics is the focus of this one. And the goal is to define some basic properties that will determine our characters speed, the rate of rotation and how tight or sticky The controls are by tuning a ground friction variable. My voice is feeling a little rough today as I'm recording this, but I'm going to do my best to keep up the energy. We are going to be working within our BP player blueprint right down here. So this is the pathway content Metroidvania blueprints and characters how to access this blueprint.
Let's double click on it to open it up. So within this blueprint, there is something called the movement component, which determines a lot of things about our character. Okay, here's our BP player blueprint that just opened up and right here This is a character movement component. And when we have this selected, we can see over on the right hand side a lot of different properties that this character movement component dictates everything from how fast your character moves to how high they jump, etc, is determined by this blueprint. I just want to show you right now when we play some things that we're going to be changing. So right now when I turn my character around, you can see that she is not turning around on a dime.
Instead, she's just kind of turning slowly. I also want to make my character move a little bit faster and when I change directions here, I want to increase something called the ground friction just so she turns on a dime a little bit faster. So let's exit out of here. And with my character movement component selected, I'm going to come down firstly into a section of parameters known is character movement settings, character movement, rotate settings rather. Right now we've got this rotation rate, Z of 720. So the z axis if I select our character right here is this blue arrow, that's the straight up and down axis running through our character.
That is what we want to rotate around. Now 720 here is decently fast. And actually, if you hover over this property, it'll let you know that if you change any of these to a negative value, it will result in an instantaneous turn, which I would do want to do for my Z value. So I'm just gonna change this to be negative one. And now if I jump in and play, and I try to do the A and D keys to change directions, you can see that she is turning instantaneously. So that's what that one does.
That was the character movement rotation rate Z of negative one. Next one I'm going to look to change up is a little bit higher up in the list and that is our maximum Walk speed, this is the one that determines how fast your characters going to move about 600 is the default, I'm just gonna up it to 700 to make it a little bit faster, but if you were to make this like 2000, you're gonna notice your character moving way faster. In fact, let me just set it to 2000. Just to show you what that's like. So obviously trucking along at warp speed looks a little unrealistic. So I'm going to set that back to 700.
Another one I want to adjust here is known as ground friction, that is right above it. Basically, the higher the number here, the faster your character is going to turn on a dime. So if you wanted to replicate yourself walking on ice, you could change this to be something like like zero. I'm going to change it to the opposite of that though. I want it to be more sticky. So number like 10 is just going to make it so that I can turn a little bit more quickly.
Just to show you what zero would be like, let me Just change that ground friction to zero. Click Play once again. And now once I turn, you can see there's a little bit of lag there. So I'm going to change that back to 10. Some other parameters I want to change way down below with my character movement component selected is there is something called planar movement. Now we do want to constrain to a plane so this checkbox should be checked.
And just to be sure, I want to make sure that you've got your plane constraints normal here, set to one that is going to make it so that our character is going to be constrained to the Y plane by that. I mean you can see our Y plane here, the green arrow going off in this direction in this direction by constraining them to the Y plane, that means that they can move in the x direction, this red arrow direction or the z direction, this blue arrow direction but not in the y direction that's just gonna make it so that they can't get moved off of her line right here. Alright guys, that is literally going to be all we want to do in this one. So we've adjusted some character moving components. Let's Compile and Save. That's gonna do it all for this one guys.
We will see you in the next one.