Hello, everybody, and welcome to my Cambridge English advanced listening paper course. In this lesson, we're going to be focusing on part two of the listening paper. So, yeah, let's have a look at the listening paper. How long does the listening paper last? It lasts for 40 minutes. How many parts are there in the listening paper?
This paper that has has four different parts? And how many questions are there in total? There are 30 questions in the listening paper in total. And I say that you need to write your answer on the question paper. And then at the end, you transfer your answers. So you have about five minutes I think it is to transfer your answers from the question paper to the answer sheet.
And you need to write in capital letters. So big letters are your Transfer in the office. And I say there is an example art sheets on page 74 of the Cambridge English advanced teachers Handbook, which you can find if you type in this web address, and go to page 74. The page numbers are at the bottom of the pages in this handbook. So these are the different question types which you will face in the listening paper. In this lesson, we're going to be focusing on part two sentence completion.
So in this lesson, you're going to learn the best tips, techniques strategy and practice for part two of the listening paper. So how many questions are there in part 238 questions? How many texts Do you need to listen to? Just one text? And how many options can you choose from? You have no options to choose from.
So you listen to one long passage. And you have to listen for the words to fill in the gaps and you have no help. You have no options to choose from. How many words do you use to fill the gap? You can write down one word or two words or three words. And how long do you have to read through the passage for the listening begins?
You have 45 seconds to read through the passage. So this is from the Cambridge advanced handbook for teachers. And it says that this part the listening test tests the candidate ability to follow the main points of a text and to retrieve specific information and stated opinion. So for my first take a few seconds to get a quick understanding of the overall topic. Take a few seconds to read through the whole passage to understand the general talk. Then, in the next 45 seconds, you should look at the gaps in the passage and think to yourself what type of words do you need?
If the word before the gap is an adjective, you might need to write a noun for example and this is article here will be really useful for deciding what type of words you need. Because often in English sentences follow a structure. Some words come before other words in a sentence, for example. And if you go to this web address, you'll find a really useful article on understanding word families and sentence structures. Also, you should think to yourself, can you make a more specific guess as to what information needs to go in a gap? For example, do you need to write a number again?
Okay, so let's practice this. What I'd like you to do is to open the Cambridge English advanced 2015 sample paper one listening PDF document, which you can access here from this website. So if you type in this web address into your internet browser, you'll see a page that looks like this. And if you scroll down this page, you will see something that says listening, sample paper and audio files. And if you click on that folder will download. And if you find your download folders, it should visit file a zipped folder.
And if you open it, you will see several files that look like this. I showed you how to do this in the last lesson. And so if you want some closer detail about how to open these files, just have a watch of the last so again, part one listening. So once you've opened this folder, I would like you to find this file here called sample paper one listing PDF file and open that. And it looks like this. What we need to do is to scroll down to page number.
Oh, just part to trip to South Africa. What I've done is I've actually copied the first sentence of this into my presentation for you guys, which we can see here. So what type of word Do we need the number seven? word before number seven is AP. So the word in the gap will probably need to be a noun can we think of related vocabulary So what words are related to this context? Maybe travel blog, maybe research piece?
I think those two options could be a good answer to this question. But I don't know because I haven't listened to the listening. That's what we need to do. You think what type of word it is, is a noun. Can we be more specific? Maybe from the context, it could be a travel blog could be a research piece, or it could be something else.
Now, after you've done that in the 45 seconds before the listening starts, then what you need to do is listen to the recording. And when you're listening to the recording, you need to write down the same words that you hear from the recording. That is my second tip, to write the same words that you hear in the record. My third tip is after writing an answer. You should read the whole sentence again, to make sure what you've written is firstly, the right type of word. Is it a verb?
It's a noun? Is it an adjective? That's again depends on the context. Is it in the correct form? So if it's a verb, is it? Have you written it in the past?
Does that fit with the sentence? Have you written it in the third person? Often people forget to put the s on the end of verbs in the third person. So make sure that you've read the word you've written is in the correct form. That's really important. So read the sentence again, to make sure that and finally think to yourself, does it actually fit the meaning of the sentence?
So you've listened to the recording, you've wrote down what you think it is. Check that the word fits the right type of word in the sentence, you make sure that it's in the correct form, and then have another read and just think, okay, is that? Is that right? In the context? does this fit the meaning of the sentence? So let's practice this.
Again, I'd like you to open the listening PDF document and look at page four. This is the question that we're going to work on here still, number seven. We know that we need a noun for the gap. So now what I'd like you to do is to open the listening part to audio file and to listen to the first part of the recording, and then write down an answer for question seven. So if you go back to this folder, In here, we can find an audio track for listening part two. And I'd like you to open this.
Listen to the first 30 seconds or so, and try to think of what the answer is to number seven. I just want you to listen one time at the moment, write down your answer. And then you can continue listening to this. So press pause on this, listen to the audio track. Write down your answer. And when you're ready, press play.
Okay, hopefully you've done that. So this is what I wrote down. I wrote down the word report. Is this the right type of word? Yes, it is a noun. I think we need a noun because we have an article before the gap word after the word or an order that will normally be a now is it written in the correct form?
Yes, report is a singular noun. And we need a singular noun here, because we have the word app before they get an app will normally be followed by a singular noun. Does it fit with the meaning of the sentence? Yes, it does, because we're talking about writing something and you write a report and I know that this is the correct answer. And if you want to check your answers, you can go to this folder again, which we downloaded. There is a file in here called Answer keys.
That's where you can check your answers. You might need to scroll down the page to find listening for answer key. And here it is. And we see the answer for number seven is report. So here's your homework. You should use the tips technique and strategy from this video lesson to complete the rest of this listening sample paper, part two.
And as I've showed you in this lesson, you can download the paper paper and the audio files from this web page by clicking on the audio files just to show you again, that's here. In it click on sample paper and audio files and it will download folder to your computer. And if you open that folder, you'll find all of these documents here. PDF files and mp3 audio. So complete part two, the listening sample paper from that folder. And it's also really good idea to read pages 54 to 74 of the Cambridge English advanced teachers handbook.
This handbook is full of loads of really useful information. And I recommend that you read the whole of the handbook for the homework should read pages 5474 and you'll find some really useful tips and advice. Okay, so if you'd like to book live lessons with me, that practice this part or another part of the exam, or English in general, you can complete the form at student languages comm Ford slash lessons. Thank you for watching this video. And in the next lesson we'll look at listening paper, Part Three