Hello, everybody. In this video lesson, we're going to be focusing on the Cambridge, English advanced ca. Speaking paper, part two. So let's get started. There are four parts in the speaking paper. And we're going to be focusing in this lesson on part two, which is called long term.
This involves you speaking by yourself about some photographs. So, we're going to have a quick reminder about the speaking paper. And then we're going to look at the best tips, techniques, practice and strategy to follow for part two of the speaking paper. So part two is called the long term but really what you're doing is you're talking about photographs by yourself. How many photographs Do you need to talk about? Two, you need to talk about two photographs.
And how long do you need to talk about them for? One minute, you have one minute to talk about two different photographs. Do you do anything else? Yes, because the speaking paper involves you and one other candidate. You need to listen to what your other candidate says about their photographs. And then you have to respond to a question related to the photographs the other candidate has spoken about.
So the other candidate will speak for one minute. And then the examiner will ask you a question about their photographs. And you have about 30 seconds to respond to this question. Okay, here's an example. This comes from the Cambridge English advanced handbook for teachers. And I showed you how you can access this in the last video lesson in part one.
But if you've forgotten, I'll show you again. So there's a website down here, show you the bottom, which I have typed into my web browser, type into Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer. And this page is from page at the moment on page 79. And here is page 80. Notice it properly. Rotate it, there we have it.
And as we can see these three photographs here, from this, which is page 80, Cambridge English advanced handbook teachers which you can access from this website. Okay, and as you can see in this slide here, there are three pictures, but you only need to talk about two of them. So you need to choose which two you want to speak about, and focus just on those two pictures. You will also notice there are two questions written about the photographs. And you need to really try and focus on answering these questions. Don't get distracted describing the photos.
That's not what you're supposed to do. You're not supposed to talk about what you see. You are supposed to talk about answering these two questions and comparing the photographs, which we'll look at in a bit more detail. This quote here comes from the Cambridge English advanced handbook for teachers. It says candidates are asked to compare express opinions and speculate about two pictures from a set of three. So, choose two pictures, compare them.
Talk about the similarities and differences. express your opinion, say what you think and speculate, say what might be happening or what what might happen in the future for the records these photographs. Time for tip number two, it's very important to compare the photographs. So you should try to talk about the similarities and the differences between the two photographs you have chosen. How are they similar? How are they different?
You should also mention one thing about one photograph. And immediately after, you should compare this same point with the other photograph. So say one thing about one photograph, and then immediately after say, compare this point with the other photograph. This allows you to speak about both photographs equally, is very important as well. So keep mentioning one point about one photograph, and then the same point about the other photograph. And then one point about the first photograph and another point about the second photograph like this.
Okay, because you don't want to just talk all the time about one photograph, you need to have a balance, talking about both. So if you look at the Cambridge English advanced handbook for teachers PDF, again I showed you a bit earlier. And look at page 83. You'll see three photographs which look like this. What I want you to do is to look at the two questions above these photographs and to write down what you could say, with regards to these questions. Okay, so pause this video now for a couple of minutes and write down some potential answers to these two questions.
And when you're ready, you can press play on this video. Okay. So this is what my answers I say, the people in the picture on the right might be playing music together because they are in a band and they may need to perform on a stage at a concept that evening. So I've put some words in bold in my answer here. First ones might be, might be is a really useful phrase for speculating? I don't know what they're doing for definite.
And so I'm speculating, I'm guessing. And I say they might be playing music together. And why do I say that? justify my opinion and saying because they might be playing music together, because and again, I speculate and I say, they may need to perform on a stage. So some good words for speculation, and some also some good words and phrases for justifying what you're saying. Then I say, whereas now whereas is a really good one.
For comparing them you need to compare and contrast as I said in this task, so, you should use words like whereas while but however, to show the differences, yeah to show differences, but also you need to use these words to show similarities between two different pictures. Zero say whereas the people in the picture on the left may be going on a track together in order to rebuild and solidify own relationships with one another. Okay, so we, we go through from the top again, might be speculating because justifying mainly to speculating, whereas compared, maybe going, speculating again in order to justify it. Okay, And finally, I say, I think the people in the picture on the right could be feeling because we don't forget, we need to answer both questions about. So in the first part, I'd answered top question. And then I move on to the second question.
How might they be feeling and could be feeling could be, and then a verb with an ing is another good way to speculate, which is what we need to do. Okay, and notice how I also talked about the picture on the right, and the picture on the left. I don't say the first picture or the second picture, because I don't know which one is the first picture, which one is the second picture? I do know that this is the picture on the left, and this is the picture on the right. Okay. So again, we're speculating with justifying our own opinions, and we're comparing the two photographs and we're answering these two questions.
Okay, tip number three. I say think about some general topics beforehand, which can apply to lots of photographs in different situations. For example, you might want to talk about the advantages and disadvantages surrounding money. How much something costs, social life? Is this an activity that you do by yourself or with another person? indoor and outdoor activities?
Is this something they're doing indoors? Is this something they're doing outdoors? Now the reason I tell you to do this tip, and to think about these topics beforehand, is because sometimes, when you're in an exam, you might get nervous. And you might suddenly forget what to say this can happen You can freeze. And when you freeze, if you freeze, it's very good to have these go to topics. If you're suddenly, oh, I don't know what to say, okay, expense money, how can these photographs, okay?
So in this picture, this activity probably costs a lot of money. Whereas in this picture, the activity doesn't cost a lot of money. And you can do this activity by yourself. Whereas this activity you do with other people, and you have these topics in your mind. So if you freeze, you can still carry on talking because you know, okay, how can I apply these topics to the pictures? Tip number four, practice, practice, practice, practice before you get into the exam.
Now, you can practice with me if you want to do private lessons with me, and I'll show you how to book those later. Or you can practice with a friend or someone else you know. So what you should do when you're practicing before the exam, you should tell your friend, someone you know or your teacher to give you three different photographs. You can take these photographs from anywhere can find a book or a magazine, photocopy three photographs, also asked this person to write down two questions, which can apply to these three photographs. And then you should practice answering those two questions about two from the three photographs. You should also ask your friend or your teacher or someone you know, to time you to make sure that you're only speaking for a minute.
And if you practice with the time as well, that's really important because this gives you an idea how long you need to speak for in the exam. practicing with a time gets you in the mentality that you need for the exam. And it's really important. So make sure when you're practicing your time yourself, when you get someone else to time you. And I say the more you practice this beforehand, the more confident you will be and speaking continuously for one minute, because sometimes people are not so confident speaking for one minute by themselves. The more practice you do, the more confident you will become.
Okay, so here's a homework exercise. I want you guys to find at least two photographs, preferably three, but at least two photographs. And think of two questions that you can answer about these photographs. And then practice talking about these photographs for one minute with a friend or someone you know, tell them to time you even better if they can find the Let's cross the lake and find the questions. Okay. So here is the web address again for the Cambridge English advanced teachers Handbook, which these examples from this lesson came from.
So if you type this web address into your internet browser, and then go to the pages I've shown you in the slides before, you can find these same pictures and these same questions. And finally, if you want to book live lessons with me, this is how you can do it. Go to this web address, and then you complete a form and then I will get in contact with you. Then we can set up some private lessons or some group lessons or I can give you information about some of my other courses, which can be really useful for you passing this part of the exam, or a different exam paper as well. Okay. In the next lesson we're going to be focusing on the speaking paper part three.
But for now, thank you very much. Hope you enjoyed this lesson. Goodbye.