The third chord that we're going to learn is the B seventh chord. And the B seventh is typically the five chord, or the third chord that you play in a three chord progression in the key of E, and country blues, you're going to use the B seventh a lot all the time. And the chord looks like this. And it sounds like this really cool sounding chord, it's a little more difficult than the other two chord shapes that we've learned goodnesses there's really only one way to play this B seven. There's one slight variation but I'll we'll focus on this this main shape here. So what I'm doing is I'm putting my first finger on the first fret of the fourth string.
My second finger is going on to the second fret of the fifth string, which is a B now that I'm taking my ring finger on the second fret of the third string my pinkie on the second fret of the first string, the second string is open. We're not not going to include not going to include the sixth string on this court. So that is a B, seven. Now that chord shape has we'll learn like our C seventh and our a seven. And even ID seventh we can move around on the neck and play in different places and play it as a different seventh chord. But for right now we're talking in the key of E. And a lot of songs in the key of E will go E, A, and B seven, or a seven, a seven, B seven, some combination.
The B is the fifth note in the scale, so it's the five chord. Be seven. So you got to learn that one's a little tougher. Once you get the hang of it like all these chords, it'll be, it'll be no problem for you. Now the bass notes with the B seventh chord, very simple, just like the A shapes are alternating bass. Since our B is our fifth string, second fret, our alternating bass is going to be 5454.
Check the diagrams that I have included in the resource section. And then if you're playing monotonic, we're just gonna thump on the fifth string fretted at the second fret. Again, with our right hand palm muting, the fifth string. So there is a B seventh chord with the alternating bass and the monotonic bass