Now it's time for our final category of songs songs in the key of G. And we're going to start off with a simple tune called Casey Jones. This is the version done by Mississippi john hurt. I'll play a little bit of it for you and then we'll talk about the courts. The courts from Mississippi john hurts Casey Jones are pretty simple. We've started out with a G. And we're going to be playing a lot of risks over this G shape using our Pinkie and we'll get into that as we start learning the verse. This is a G major and we're also going to go briefly to a G seven.
So g the G seventh and then we go to our four chord which is a C with the pinky on the third fret of the first string. So we've got a C chord and then we're gonna go to a long a and the D and that's pretty much it for Casey Jones by Mississippi john hurt. The cool part of this song is the the way we're going to use that right hand and pick out the melody over those courts. So let's get started learning Casey Jones by Mississippi john hurt