Step it up and go by blind boy fuller starts out with this really cool Boogie phrase over the G. You can check the tab and see what notes I'm playing. If you play aggressively, you can get the other strings to sound out while you're doing that, and that makes it sound more full than just those individual bass notes. Also, there's a couple places in there where it sounds like he's doubling up the bass, maybe on the sixth string or something like that. And I'm not sure exactly how he did it. I'm using my thumb pick, almost like a flat pick. That's a trick I learned from studying some Merle Travis stuff where he takes his thumb pick and then his first finger and kind of pinches it, and picks the thumb pick like it was a flat pick.
And since we don't have an alternating bass going on in this part of the song, you could do that. He could also be alternating the thumb and the first finger to get the boogie. But if I listen when I listened carefully, I hear just single notes. Like that. Once it gets past the boogie, he's gonna go to a C seventh chord. Then to a C chord with the pinky on the first string, third fret.
So we got the C seven something like that. Or alternating based on the C chord I forgot I forgot to mention this and chords part is the fifth string in the forest. Strike. So then we're gonna go back to the bogey base. Then he's gonna slide into a D seventh chord slide in from, if you can use your ring finger that's best because then you'll come right into that D seventh position. Actually right here, the fifth fret, so I'm sliding from the second to the fifth fret on the fifth string.
And then I'm going right into this D seventh Shay, again with my alternating bass, the fifth and the fourth strings. And the trick there is to make sure you get the open first string, I'm going to move to the C seven and then a G. Just quickly He's gonna do this turnaround. So the whole five for one part we've got good again. And that's really pretty much what he plays in almost every verse. So let's play that whole thing again slowly a couple times through There you have the basic versus four, step it up and go by blind boy fuller