In this session I will talk a bit about energy. Understand in the CI goon that I'm teaching here. It's important not to fantasize that to create things with your mind. So keep it real. If you cannot feel certain energies, that's alright. They will maybe come maybe not.
It's not the important thing. The important thing is what you can actually experience. This is the reality for you. clear your mind from the creations about reality made so that you can start to see the truth about reality and live in line with the truth. So in the sessions, I will be talking a lot about energy. Right now it's good to understand what is energy as far as we can measure nowadays.
With modern equipment, we have electromagnetic magnetic energy, the heat that is in your body, there's chemical energy that is being released in the cells that makes you able to move into to do everything in life, there is the electric energy flowing through your nervous system, all these different energies flowing through the body that makes you a living being on a more subtle level. Also, there's this this like energy is cheap. What we learn to do with these wonderful techniques is to feel all these energy flow into the body. So when you feel warmth in the body, that is a certain type of energy, right? If you feel a certain sensation, if I touch something here, signals are being sent up through the nervous system, electric signal up to the brain, which starts to make all these neural connection which generates a feeling generates a thought. It's all electric energy.
Now, there's all these things Different forms of energy that you will have to learn to tap into and feel. And this life energy is cheap, brings growth in healing into your body. So what we want to learn to develop is to bring your awareness into certain parts in the body or in the whole body, and where your awareness is, the energy will flow as well. And what we try to develop is to let your awareness flow through the whole body and unblock where there is blockages and to bring life energy and love and contentment, all these states that bring growth into the body so that you become happy and healthy. But more than that, you become aware that you are energy and you were part of this wonderful, great day. existence and you go beyond with your mind is physical reality and go into a deeper state of reality.