So after doing all these wonderful postures, really take some time to feel and enjoy the fruits of your work. So take a moment to sit down for some time and with a couple of slow breaths, observe how you've opened up your blood flow or you've opened up your nervous system, your energy system. observing it, that feeling it. So start off with taking a couple of nice breaths in with each breath out. Let go a little bit more The shoulders and the hand. The spine is nicely lengthen the face muscles relax.
The spine is like a pillar. The rest of the bodies loose around the pillar eating a spaciousness you've created within Oh With a call natural breath from the Betty nothing too deep. Become aware of your state of body. What can you feel in your body scan through the chest better need a date etc really feel how with all the movements that you've been doing, you've created some space. You open up the nervous system and the blood flow the energy system. How does that actually feel?
Keeping that loose, relaxed concentration. I put a little mini smile, sir Why does he there? No. Okay next uncomfortable Now take a moment to really let your breath happen wherever Deep or shallow, fast or slow, it's all good. just observing, letting the breath gently feel the abdominal area I release not there in team. You're watching movements of your own body.
They call this embryonic breeding. Like you're being breathed a couple more British shoes up, sir moment to become aware of your state of mind whether there's a lot of thoughts there, there's enough BS. It's all good. It's all. Also energy, learn to feel that in such a way, which is observing as it is. Your state of emotion if you feel very comfortable and good or a bit restless, agitated, inner peace, joy Also that is a state of your energy system to feel that it's actually become okay with how it is.
If you're smiling at it, like all right, that's okay. Sitting in what's called wool while I'm doing complete spaciousness. Feel free to sit a bit longer if you want to slowly start moving to take a little moment or so to generate a state of gratitude of thankfulness. That you have the time to do these things that let the body that's healthy enough to move. generating a state of inner peace like wanna thank you arts by this creative universe, Tao, God present moment, however one wants to call it feeling a connection with a greater shell you'll be blessed with peace, love and happiness