Do you know this song Miko facial expressions, you can read a poker face. Hello everyone in this session we will step into step a Mako and micro facial expressions. So facial expressions as universal signal which will affect a person's emotional state, regardless of cultural language or personal background. So in this module, let's begin with distinguish micro and macro facial expressions. Visual expressions can be created by conscious mind or subconscious Mind if the expressions that happen second to four seconds, that is the macro expression, we usually could observe that macro expression can be conscious and subconscious because the time is long enough for the logical brain to process. For example, an actor portrays the character in movies, they use the conscious mind to form facial expressions.
Besides, micro expression could also be subconscious when a person doesn't have the intention to hide the emotion. Therefore, micro expression could be a genuine emotion of fake emotion. The poker face belongs to this group. In contrast, micro expression occur less than half a second it fascists fast it's been created unconsciously. Therefore, it is the real emotion. There are seven universal facial expressions namely anger, disgust, fear, surprise contempt.
Happy and sad. We will talk about each of them in the following modules.