It's a known fact that divorce is an intensely stressful experience for children regardless of their age or developmental level. Many children are inadequately prepared for this event and its ramifications. Now, even if you think your children are doing fine, you need to find that Nathan 10% of children actually have adequate emotional support during the acute phase of a divorce or breakup. Primarily, this is because the parents are so wrapped up in dealing with their own pain, and they probably ill equipped to support their children. Now, before taking off in any aircraft and on airlines actually briefed passengers on the protocols to follow if there's a loss of cabin pressure, and there's oxygen master jumping ceiling. Everyone knows that if these oxygen masks come from the ceiling, you need to put the mask on yourself before you help anyone around you.
It's the same principles with this. You've got to help yourself as an adult before you're in a position where you can actually Help your children. If you're expressing experiencing this trauma, it is imperative to prioritize getting over it. Even if you think your children are doing fine. It might come out in a year when 18 months time that there'll be some kind of impact on the way that they've been. And if you're struggling with getting over your divorce, then you're in the right place and we're going to be working through exactly what are the things you can do to help yourself so that you can help your children