Important principle of healing is that time doesn't simply heal the wound. And an emotional trauma healing is very similar to a physical trauma healing. When you have a physical trauma, like a cut on your arm, if you take certain steps, you're not going to be left with a scar necessarily. So for example, if I cut my arm and I disinfected, and I'm very careful to put a bandaid on or I follow the steps of the dock. So we, you know, we do all the healing steps we have to do or if we have stitches, and after the stitches, you rub lots of creams and things on it, you might not have a scar over time. The same thing with an emotional trauma.
If you take proper action and proper steps, you're not going to be left with emotional scarring, you're going to be in a much better position, you're not going to have baggage, you're not gonna have problems. So make sure that you actually understand that no matter what people tell you. If there are people in your life, they're like, Oh, just give it some time or, you know, six months you're gonna feel better. It's absolutely Rubbish. If you take conscious steps over whatever period of time you are going to put yourself in a much better position. So be proactive in your healing steps so that you ensure you can move on faster and not be full of emotional scarring.