Alright, so now that we've gone through some tips and steps of things you can do for your career, whether you're the boss or the employee, let's actually go through an exercise that you can use if you're feeling very emotional while you're at work. When you feel your needs to kind of Express really strong emotions that were you feeling well up of emotions while you're in the office, you need to cycle through the for a word. Number one is to be aware of the emotion. Number two, accept the emotion number three, acknowledge your right to the emotion and number four, act normal. So this is hard work. When you're feeling overly emotional, stop, okay, so the wealth of emotion is welled up within you.
Just stop what you're doing, stop doing anything. even leave where you are going to be somewhere else or just sit, be still breathe long and deeply right into your belly. Let the brace really full your lungs like the ocean surging off the shore. Okay, so just continue to breathe like this for 20 breaths. This is when you're becoming aware of what is happening. It's simply the increase of the cortisol and the domain combined with the depletion of serotonin.
And all those kind of neurotransmitters and hormones surging through your body are contributing to these feelings of depression craziness or the roll up of emotion. It is uncomfortable, but it's going to pass if you just let yourself be with us, okay? And if you follow the nutrition, kind of tips we gave you earlier in the divorce etiquette program, it's also going to help. Next step is to visualize Alright, so now that you've become aware of these emotions, you want to visualize like needs erratic emotions to a puppy that has run off without its leash, understand that your emotions cannot be controlled, and while at the same time you do not need to engage with them. Okay? So just allow them to simply be notice them, watch them remain calm, was breathing very deeply.
So he's 20 breaths. Breathing you're just noticing these emotions and trying to describe the emotional form, right? What is the emotion? Where is it sitting in my body? What is its texture? Its color its shape.
Okay? So give that part of yourself that feels a bit crazy and emotional a label or name, you know as I call it, Red Dragon or Mad Dog and ask yourself in your mind, Mad Dog, Red Dragon. What am I to learn from you? Why are you here? What are you doing? Okay?
Are you engaging with a quiet in your mind? Did you just grind through these nice deep breaths and you've taken yourself a little bit away? Accept and acknowledge the emotional state the craziness things it if you allow yourself to see the emotions as visitors, they will eventually pass. If you immediately get freaked out by them like no, this is not appropriate. I don't want to feel these emotions. You actually make yourself more uptight.
If you just breathe into it and just get okay. It's here. It's fine. I'm just acknowledging it. I accepted it. No matter how you're feeling at the moment, just continue to breathe, it's gonna be fine.
Critical Path thing is to act completely normally, right? So even if it feels very fake, it doesn't matter, you will have time to process those emotions later in the day using the emotion processing technique that I told you, you know that this craziness is going to pass and acting normal whilst feeling crazy is a great cognitive behavioral technique and works very effectively. Then I want you to while you're acting normally take some steps like either make yourself a hot water drink, like some peppermint tea or camomile tea. Alternatively, add some lemon with two spoons of honey into a cup of boiling water. Drink it very slowly and with each step, just accept the emotion and just watch it like a cloud that just passes over your sky. Just thought okay, this thing's it is just passing over my sky like a little cloud, right?
So just drink very slowly and just watch this emotion path. This is awareness, acceptance, acting normal or part of the process. Okay? If possible, take a walk outside if you can. So like I said previously, if you feeling very emotional, it's a good opportunity to leave the office and just take a bit of a walk. Remember the eye drops okay?
Walk slowly and gracefully as if you're gliding whilst walking. Another tip is to cycle through your five senses. It's going to sound ridiculous but what cycling through five senses does that makes you pregnant? It stops you from being in your hand and it puts you right in the hearing now, you ask yourself as you're walking around, what do I see? What can I hear? I can hear birds I can see the sky I can see this you know, building and what I smell and whatever, you know, what am I feeling against my skin?
How does road feel you know, it's you cycling through all these different senses and you becoming very aware of what's around you. Do you stop for a moment was walking, study the plants or the ants in the grass and be vigilant about Looking at your surroundings, rather than listening to the voices and the red dragon and the Mad Dog in your head, remind yourself that there will be an opportunity to feel all these emotions when you're in a quiet place later, and remind yourself that everything's going to be okay. Think of all the things that people have overcome in their lives and think of someone who has overcome immense obstacles to achieve greatness and beauty in their lives. That can be you too. Alright, so focus on the exercise. And in a very calm and peaceful way.
You know, it is possible that when you're feeling these strong emotions to just cycle through those four ways, so here they are, again, being aware of the emotion. So noticing it popping up, just accepting us that it's there. It's okay, acknowledging your right to the emotion to seeing a path like a cloud of your sky, acting completely normal, maybe leaving the office, maybe making yourself some tea, and just breathing breathing really deeply and carefully or cycling through your senses. That's really gonna help. So I hope those tips help you