Alright, friends, following pranayama, we're going to repeat the sound of all and all kind of means the sound of the universe of this creation. Now, in modern science, we have learned now also that an atom is built up out of small particles, right? And these particles are even much, much smaller than this actual atom in there is actually nine, the 9.999% of space in between it. And those particles that are actually there are also not really solid particles. These are little packages of energy which vibrate in a certain way. So everything is actually a vibration of energy.
And it's as if this vibration has a sound and this vibration here ever Everything that we know all the energy in all the methods has this sound, which we're going to kind of fibrate with the whole body, making this sound of own, okay, and own has three parts that are beginning, the middle and the end of it. So we kind of repeat this procedure just sound constantly with our voice. Now, we made this sound with three different parts of the button, the old, the old, comes more from this area here, then we bring it more up towards that ah, and then the knee resonating it with the whole skull. And you will see that if you repeat this for a couple of times, awareness becomes very sharp in the mind becomes very balanced, right. So let's repeat this for about 15 times and then taking a little moment to see how we feel.
We feel the effects of This wonderful practice on mind and body, that relaxing the breath and take some time to bring the awareness really with it. Alright, so let's do now this wonderful technique. We're going to repeat first each syllable individually for three times the arc and from this area, you will feel it the Ooh, from this area, and then the lips close with kind of with the skull. Okay, you feel this resonating with the whole body. All right, so starting off with sitting straight spine straight, the hands can be opening to a mudra. Next face muscles starting out with nice inhalation it three times up ah Aah Aah ah ah.
We're going to make the sound of Oh, coming a little bit more from the office. Part of the chest and the throat. Deep breath in the relax the third part As the name the sound kind of with the skull, in the lips close, the jaws, the teeth just touching each other. That you feel really vibration with the whole skull. It can be Breton We're now going to repeat the sound for about nine times combining all these three parts letting them flow into each other can I expect them ah ah Ah ah ah oh Ah ah ah Two times with full attention ah oh ah staking little moment to see you on a very subtle level. If you feel vibration every cell of the body smilingly observe me, take some time to sit a little bit longer if you weren't free to move.
But notice the calmness, kind of spaciousness you've created both the mind and the body Namaste