Alright, so now I'm gonna play the key of G chord progression a few times through, what I want you to do is practice playing the riffs, just throw them in whenever you're ready whenever you can, okay, just, you know, just get used to moving your fingers and doing little melodies and that sort of thing. Also, a really good idea would be to practice playing the G major pentatonic scale and the G major scale over the chord progression. So as I'm playing, you can just play you know, that would be the G major pentatonic scale. And that sounds pretty cool, right? Because the risks are derived from the G major pentatonic scale and the G major scale, which are basically the same notes. The G major scale just has a couple extra notes, right.
So give it a shot. I'll count to seven. And then again, just play some riffs, play the scales, and just practice getting used to that whole key of G but there we go 1234 Awesome work I hope you had fun just jamming out playing the different riffs playing the scale. You might have noticed too, I mean you can use the scale to do whatever you want you can go up scale, make your own reps, go down. Or just play a couple notes like a few notes. Just all using the G pentatonic scale, or the G major scale.
Let's revisit practice a bit. So it's a good idea. Again, depending on how much time you have to review the things that you've already learned, maybe just take a look at one chord progression or one key and just play through that chord progression exercise a few times stay for five minutes or something like that, or however long you want to, then it would be good to come back to this exercise and practice your soloing for however long, just playing the riff going up and down the scales. That'll really get you moving on the guitar. Also, after that, it would be good to Practice a song that was recommended and see you know, just see what you can do looking up on the internet, the songs that I might have recommended or a song that you really enjoy and just seeing what what you can find that might be at your level.
With that being said, let's head over to the next module, where we will talk about minor scales.