Alright, let's get rolling through the key of G chord progression. We're just gonna strum down four times each measure just so you can get used to the chords in the key of G and the transitions and so on. For the C add nine part, you can play the C add nine or you can play a C. In fact, I would practice both go through once playing the C, add nine, and then go through again, practicing playing the C chord. For this run through, I'll play the C add nine chord. Alright, let's get started. I'll count to 712341234 Notice how also the D chord is a part of the key of G and you'll notice that with a lot of the different chords, I won't get into the theory of that, but it's just good to be aware of that.
Now that you've gone through and played the first strum pattern, just four strokes down each measure, it'd be a good idea to try the second strum pattern. third and the fourth that we've done. Let's head over to the next lesson where we'll learn a new strum pattern.