Alright, so now I'm gonna have you play the different riffs in the blues along with me as we solo over the E 12. bar blues. So get ready to play riff number 11234. Play riff one again. Good job. All right now riff number two over the age seven. Don't worry If you're not fully keeping up, just keep going if you can.
Risk number two again. Okay, now if you can, riff number three up on the 12th fret Don't worry if you didn't get that. Now we'll do roof number four over the seven. This is the seven particular one. Get ready to play riff number one again. riff number one and then riff number two when we, when we get to the step two.
If you learned it, riff three up high and get ready seven rules Great job. Alright, so I hope you had fun doing that. If you weren't able to keep up, don't worry, it's okay. Just keep practicing those risks, and then come back and try to reattempt playing along with me. Or you can just take a look at the diagram and just try to play those riffs, you know, as best you can in time with you know, at your, at your own pace, just kind of playing through. Just kind of following along in the in the 12 bar blues where to play those riffs.
Now, it's something that's totally open for you as well to do to improvise or whatever, which will be in the next lesson. And you can, you know, all play the 12 bar blues a number of times through and you can do a bunch of things. I also would suggest heading over to YouTube. And looking up an E blues jam track. Those can be a lot of fun, you put that on. And then you can use these riffs to jam over the 12 bar blues, that can be really neat.
They'll have the drums and like everything going. So once you get comfortable with those riffs might not be a bad idea to get head over to YouTube or even like an app and try jamming along with one of those trucks. So in the next lesson, I will play through the 12 bar blues. And you can do a bunch of different things like play the blues scale, use the wrist, you can practice, the E blue shuffle, all that sort of thing.