Lesson 6: Chord Progression Exercise (Strum Pattern #2)

Guitar Lessons for Beginner Guitar Players Module 2: First Chords in the Key of E Minor
5 minutes
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All right, now we're going to take a look at the key of E minor chord progression, except using a different strum pattern. So if you remember from the last lesson, all we did for each measure was strum down four times like this 1234. So I'd suggest going back to that lesson if you're having a bit of difficulty, and just go through the chord progression a few more times, just getting really comfortable with that strum pattern. Once you're comfortable with that, then you can come back to this lesson and work on a new strum pattern. So I'm going to show you what that new strum pattern is. Down, down, down, down.

So we're just adding an upstroke in there after count two and count four. So you could also count it like this. One and Two and three, and four. I'd suggest pausing the video and just doing that a few times just to get really used to the mechanics of that strum pattern once you feel comfortable with that, and as you can see in the screen below, there's the key of E minor chord progression, but with that strum pattern. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to play through the chord progression, and hopefully you can play along with me, I'll go nice and slow. But here, let's give it a shot.

I'll counter sin. One, and two, and, three, and four, and, one, and, two, and, three, and, four, and, one and, two and three and four. One and two, three, and four. One and two, and, three, and four. One and two, three and four. One and two and, three, and four.

One and two, and three, and four, and. One and two, three, and four. Okay, so if that was too fast, no problem, no problem at all. just pause the video. Stay on the screen with the E minor chord progression with the second strum pattern and just either play one measure, just to practice it over and over again to get used to the mechanics. Try to measures say from E minor, to a sus to practicing that chord transition, or practice the E minor to D sus to that chord transition, or de sus two to E minor.

And just do that a few times till you get mostly comfortable with it. And then go back and strum through the whole thing just like we did. You don't have to play along with me like there. But you can strum through the whole thing on your own, as slow as you need to go. And then try playing along with me as we did before. Now I'm going to talk to you briefly about the cable.

Now, if you don't have one of these, it's okay. You can just skip to the next lesson. If you do, let me just show you how to use it. So first of all, you You're gonna place it on a particular fret. Okay, this is useful for songs that require it. You know, a lot of a lot of famous people put a cable on, and it basically helps with where their voices whether they sing in a lower range or higher range, it's helpful to use the cable and that's all we'll get into right now.

Let's put the cape on threat too. So what you want to do is try not to put it on where it then bends the strings for example, sometimes when you put the cape on it might bend the string and then it's not it's gonna sound a little off so try to put it or clamp it straight down onto the guitar, okay, now with the keyboard does is it acts as the nut of the guitar on the headstock here. So the our first fret in relation to the cable is going to be right here. fret two would be here, fret three etc. So if we go to play an E minor chord, this You would go two frets down and play the E minor there. I know a lot of times people struggling they might start like right here.

See that sounds a bit off for maybe too high. Okay, just use your ears as well. So we're gonna go two frets down, play an E minor shape. That's the important thing to remember. It's an E minor shape. It's actually not a true E minor, we've actually switched the chord but it is an E minor shape.

Just give it a try strumming a few times or go through the chord progression. Okay, I'm just going to leave it at that for now. And you can mess around with the cable and put it on any fret you like and then just give the key of E minor chord progression to try. And now let's head over to the next lesson, where I'll recommend a few songs that use the key of E minor

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