Alright, now I'm going to show you just the plain C chord. C chord is definitely in the key of G very popular one. It is also used in other keys. So it's good just to know the plain C chord, because you can always just play a C add nine, when you say, the C chord. There we go, you're gonna place your ring finger on the third fret of the A string, and then your middle finger on the second fret of the D string. G string is open, then first fret of the B string with your index and the high E strings open, strung from a string down.
Try not to strum the low E string as best you can, at this point. Again, if you're gonna do an up strum, just focusing on the higher strings is good enough. For example, But when we go down up, that's fine. can even sound a little nicer to know that you got the C chord down. Let's go to the key of G chord progression.