Okay, now I want to briefly talk about position, guitar position, how to hold the guitar, etc. So it's not really rocket science. But just a couple things I noticed with beginners, when they first start out, sometimes they'll have the guitar like this, they'll be playing like this or something and you want it to be more square. So the guitar should be very, up and down this way, right? Not like plots, but like this vertical. And it shouldn't be the neck of the guitar here.
You shouldn't be holding like too much like this or too low, should be fairly parallel with the ground I would say even just up a little bit. Okay, that's okay. And it can varied from there. Obviously, there's no like, you know, definite thing. I mean, and for everybody, it's a little different, right. So that would be the main idea but Behind the Guitar position, and next we will talk about tuning the guitar.