Hello, everybody, welcome to the second dashboard. In this video, you'll learn how to create a dynamic drop down list. And what do I mean by dynamic drop down list. As you see here we have drop down available currently that is 2016. This particular list is being created from the map sheet that I've created where I have jotted down all the years one below the other. If I put in a new year, say 2017 and press enter, go back to the dashboard and I go to the drop down I get 2017.
And the best part is it does not show me any extra data. Now let's see how to make this one. Here. What I have done is I have actually used a formula. So I'll just show the formula which has already been covered in the previous videos it is offset. And the name that I've given for the list year is list is where I've used offset and count.
Now we can see here that the selection is limited only to the data. And once that particular formula is completed, I simply go to the dashboard and select the cell where I need to drop down, go to the data data validation Even though I select list and I give the name, so if for some reason Let me clear this. So, in case if I select a list and for some reason I forget the name, I simply click on the cursor on the source formula. These are the formulas and just click on the list needed. Click OK. And there it is. Now drop down is ready for me.
And I can use the drop down and work the same way. I've done the same process for currency. So I can select any currency and the currency will automatically retrieve the data. For this I've used index and match to complete the calculation. In the next video, we will see how to fill up this particular data and project the reports over here on the screens and start creating another dashboard. We'll also populate the columns for the map over here.
It's very simple task. You just have to go to Google and look for a large latitude and longitude and Once done, I'll Put in over here, and I'll come back in the next video. Till then keep practicing. See you in the next video. Thank you