Hello, everybody. Welcome to the third dashboard. In this video, we will see how to automate the process in such a way that any changes that happen on this particular data will automatically trigger the macro that we just created. So let's get started. To do so we are, will be needing events, the action changes upon the dashboard, so we just have to go to the sheet dashboard. And I'll just double click on the sheet and we're in the sheet.
The best part over here is that the pattern that we created are stored into a module not into the sheet. But now I need this particular macro to be executed into the sheet when any changes happen in the sheet. So I copy the code, then I go to the sheet and paste it, but this will not happen directly. So first I'll delete this particular code. And so we will be in the sheet directly and so by double clicking will be into the sheet and currently it says general so Apart from general we do not want general we want something that should have an effect on the worksheet. So I select worksheet automatically the code appears where it says selection range.
So it says any changes are happening in this particular worksheet. If you see it says private sub, that means it only works with this particular sheet. And that is the worksheet selection change. So I wish to have another option that has changed. So anything that changes in this particular sheet will automatically trigger this particular macro. So I just delete the second code.
And I'll paste the code I do not need to double sub. So I remove the first sub and the second one as well. So here's the code. Now what happened is as soon as I change anything, automatically, it will trigger the macro. So as you can see, as I select any parameter, it automatically goes into the datasheet and changes the data comes back and updates it So, if I say finance you can see the finance happening so on so forth. Now, once done we will simply save this particular file and close the editor.
So, let me give you a final touch. So if I change it into it, it reflects the data for it isn't that fun? Now, similarly, we will be creating even other macros so the concepts remain the same. That is the recording macro getting the code and pasting it in the next video we will see how to create a chart that can show six parameters at one go till then keep practicing. See you in the next video. Thank you