Hello, everybody, this is close to how the completed dashboard will look. You can make minute changes by increasing then decreasing the fonts as per the needs or requirements and that can be altered. So I just want to make a take a moment to clean this up. And so by default, our data does have a grid line, so it does not look good. So as a suggestion, whenever you are creating a dashboard, remove the gridlines. To do so we just have to go to the View tab and untick the gridlines.
Apart from that, as we see here, there's a lot of blank space which is not needed. So what we can do is remove these spaces by selecting the new column in the current example. Select all columns to the end using ctrl shift right then right click on the column and just hide them as we do not need them and we do not need them to be visible. Same with the 13th row 13th row onward to the bottom and hide them. And once done, press Ctrl home and that will return us to the cell A one and just zoom it and fit it to the screen. Now we have a complete dashboard which controls the entire record for the data.
And we have a better view just to rearrange it a little bit more. So that should straighten it up look nice. So there it is, our dashboard just using formulas and functions is completed. Now the second best thing is now we do have a data. Now currently what we have created is the map sheet which actually controls the entire mapping process. So we will remove the rest which is not needed.
So in the future as well we all know that we have created a grouping which helps us to understand what are the kinds of data that we have used. The one is to recapping and the one that we have used to refresh and which captures and refers to the internet and actually creates the table which is plotting the currency across the countries and then we have our slab results and quarterly selection quarterly selection This is something that we can use VLOOKUP and match. I want to ask you to try it if you can. And if you have any trouble with this, please do let us know. So we will give you the updated version of these files. But consider this sort of like homework, or rather a challenge for you to do this making a single format or something such as where the user can select which quarter type they're looking for, whether they looking for Jan fed March also.
And according to that the quarter will be allotted into the data. So I'll just collapse the data over here. Now, as you do not want the users or the end users to see this hiding the data or hiding the sheet is crucial. And as this is a working sheet which should not be provided, or the user should not tamper with this data, so just hide this sheet which is not to be shown to the user Once done, your dashboard is ready. So now whoever is using this file will have all the sheets ready and and the dashboard as Well, now in the future if a person wants to add a new sheet, you simply add the drop down to the list and we can work it out directly from the drop down. So 2017 I'll just click on 2017 you will automatically capture the data from 2017 so the user does not have to redo the entire task.
And the work is done in a fraction of seconds. Keep learning keep practicing. In the next video, we will start to create a dashboard using macros. Have a great day.