In this video, I want to go through a couple of more very, very common logical fallacies that happening all the all the time in conversations. The first of all, is if you have an incorrect argument made with a by a person who speaks and acts with a very strong emotions that portray that actually, that act to falsely support how strong the truth is, right? So sometimes they say things very adamantly, very convincingly, but the argument is false. But it can make us feel like the argument is true if they use strong emotion sometimes or unique emotions or emotions that words that trigger emotions in us. So there's a whole lot of words like that trigger emotions in US words like you love, hate, or words that incite emotions, just you know, political names political parties. Religious things, those things just bring up all kinds of emotions and people.
So one of the one what you want to be really careful because those things are not the actual argument, the actual argument is just what they're stating. And here's another one. Um, when you hear somebody who is only arguing for one side, and they are entirely disregarding the other side of the argument, then you know, that person is too biased. Okay, this whole This often happens all the time in our political conversations. Always, almost always, there's ego involved, and people just want to prove their point. And they prove their point, but with complete disregard to the other side.
And of course, the best argument is when both sides are considered and there's some sort of a synthesis answer. That's a deal. So whenever you see somebody with total disregard for the others, Then you know, okay, they're going somewhere they're going wrong somewhere in their argument because they're not taking into account 50% of the points, the perspectives. So those are two extra common things that happen all the time and conversations make us go astray in our logical arguments. And if you pay attention to these in your arguments, then you'll catch them and you'll point them out and you won't let the other person get away with it.