So maybe you've tested your IQ, you know, your IQ was the problem with aq. It doesn't help you lead your life in the right direction. It doesn't help you understand how to influence people. It doesn't help you tap into people's emotions. What does emotional intelligence does, that's what we're going to get into in the next section of this course, emotional intelligence. And unlike IQ, EQ, which is the emotional quotient emotional intelligence, EQ can go up or up a lot in during your lifetime.
You can train that IQ. You can train that a little bit, but it's actually genetic. A lot of IQ. Studies have shown that you're genetically predisposed to some IQ. smarts that high IQ parents have higher IQ children is just how it is by the EQ. You can make a world of difference and whatever your IQ might be.
If it's high or if it's low, then X Factor, the major life differentiator that you can give yourself is raising your emotional intelligence because that is very practical, but it's also the thing that it's not based as much on genetics, you can you can learn it with the right techniques and that's what we're going to do now.