In this video, let's cover another aspect of self management. And that's not just being like a self starter, a motivated person, which I'm pretty sure you must be here watching this course. But all all motivated people, we all including myself, we have the struggle of like, there are some things we do put off, that there are some things that are critical for our business that we do put off because we do not like doing them, or whatever reason. So self management is not just being a self starter, but it's also the question of how good are you at doing the things that you don't want to do? Okay, maybe that extra paperwork, maybe something else, but that's the issue, right? And in this video, we're gonna talk about how to handle that.
So first, it's really important to identify the truly important tasks because sometimes you don't do the thing that you think you're supposed to do, because it's actually really not all that important. You just said Nice to have but it's not mission critical, so you don't do it. And actually, that's correct because then you should only be doing things that are mission critical. So the first part of the process is to identify whether the task which you're procrastinating that you think is holding you back is truly mission critical and important. If it is, we're going to apply a certain strategy. First I have to explain a few concepts.
Motivation, there is two kinds of motivation. intrinsic and extrinsic. intrinsic is some motivation that comes from inside of you. Obviously, for this task, you don't have this date you actually have you know, your something inside of you is holding you back. And extrinsic. extrinsic, extrinsic motivation is motivation that is coming from the outside world and I'll cover some that very shortly.
Now, you have limited will throughout the day, that means you have a limited amount of things that you can force yourself to do. If you Don't have the intrinsic motivation, you have to force yourself to, to do whatever you need to do. And you just have a limited amount of all of us people have a limited amount of discipline that we have each day. And we have to use it wisely. So the strategy really, is to use extrinsic motivators in the short term, every day, so that you can build your habit, the thing that you're procrastinating on can become a habit. And once it's a habit, it will become close to intrinsic motivation.
And then you won't have to think about it, you'll just do it. So just a small recap before we get into extrinsic motivators is you have to focus on the thing you don't want to that is holding you back, you have to identify it, the thing that you're not doing that you need to do, identify, problem solve, to create the system to get the extrinsic motivation and over time, build it into intrinsic motivation by building habit and very important After it is a habit, you have to identify the relapse triggers the triggers that will make you revert to the bad habit and avoid those relapse triggers. So here are some things that will help you get motivation like literally today, this hour so that you can start doing that thing. And different motivators. These are short term extrinsic motivators, different motivators work for different people. So if some of them don't work for you, or seem silly for you, that's okay.
Just you just choose the ones that are right for you. This list has planning. Sometimes you can promise yourself a little bit of a treat a food or an experience that you don't usually treat yourself to. If you do the thing that you are not doing. You can also play some positive energy music, music can lift your mood, make you very energetic, make you very optimistic at times, and can completely change your mindset. Right away.
You also can daydream about the benefits of what you're going to get after you actually do the task that you don't Want to do, because probably you, the task is in place because it's important and it's going to open up some benefits for you. And if you Daydream and picture yourself getting those benefits is going to make you want to finally get it and it's going to give you that motivation to actually do the task. Another thing you can do is literally, you know, kind of clear your mind, go for a little bit of a walk, small exercise, maybe in a nearby park. Being in nature doesn't have to be like a huge you know, wilderness Park, but even the closest thing you have to it comes our minds. It decreases our stress levels. And our brains actually change in nature if we spent a long enough time there and walking also helps our minds wander and be more creative.
And also, we can get positive energy from it. Because the endorphins are released while you're exercising and you're more positive. And the more positive outlook you start having the more optimistic you start becoming about the task at hand. You can even have a quick meditation session at home, if you're in office, if you're, if you have that ability, or if you're so inclined, only a few minutes will also really clear your mind, get you properly motivated. You can also listen to some motivational speaking on YouTube to really get you excited, there's a ton of motivational talks and people that that you know, do all the stuff on YouTube, and it's endless. And they can really get you excited about what you're working on.
Another trick, kind of a trick is to post on social media what you're doing, because even though people might not even care that you posted it on social media, you're gonna feel like they're want to know the outcome. And so it's a little bit of like creating a fake accountability buddy for yourself by posting on social media because then you start feeling the pressure like, oh, people know that like now I'm doing this task so I actually have to finish. You know, it can drop the ball. And another thing you can do is Work with a coach or some kind of accountability partner, I really want this time. And that can also be the extra push, you need to get you into those, doing those tasks that you're avoiding. And a few more things is you can create a daily schedule in which you can plan set up maybe half an hour or an hour to do the tasks that you don't want to do.
And then if you have that time, you can block out everything all the distractors. And having blocked out all the distractors, you will have more time to focus on what you need to focus. Sometimes additional things that can help you become immediately more motivated is a little bit of a change of scenery. Maybe for a day you work in a coffee shop or a different kind of a place, just different people different vibe. Just Just get you kind of more energized and sometimes it's a matter of organizing or reorganizing or cleaning your work area. Make it more nice, make it nicer and more pleasant for you to work in and your brain will relax with less clutter.
And then you can maybe focus on the tasks that You've been avoiding. So those are the immediate motivators you can give yourself today. They're not going to last. But what is going to last is if you do them over a couple of weeks, every day, they're going to start the work that you're avoiding, is actually going to start to be you know, then you actually will be doing it regularly and it will begin to become a habit. Once it's a habit, it's going to be something that you just do naturally. And it's not going to require you to force yourself to do it.
And then right away, that's going to be the big difference before you do this. That this was the struggle point, right? You were avoiding this. After you do all of this. It's going to be something natural you do every day, and it's if it's been holding you back because you haven't been doing it, then it's going to be something that will take you to a different level because you will have solved this particular thing that will that was holding you back