In this video, I want to examine what happens to your brain off stress, I hope it will be very eye opening for you just how damaging stresses and just how important is going to be to avoid it. So we deal with stress all the time. If social situations family situations, when we solve problems on our leisure or in our business or work when we if you are an intrapreneur when you run a business, stressful moments happen all the time sales are slow. employees don't do what you need them to do when you lead employees, it becomes difficult because you have to manage them and everything that they do. So we deal with stressful situations all the time. And it's really important for the stress to be resolved or avoided and not have it spillover because here is what all here are the things that the Stress Stress does to you.
It's your number one enemy. And it happens it works subconsciously because you don't think like oh, my body chemistry suddenly changing but it is right away. When You feel stress, a different part of your brain starts to take control. It's the amygdala. That's the part of the brain that deals with fear, anger and the flight or flight reflex and basically the fight or flight reflex, that it just needs you to solve the problem immediately. So quick wins, quick wins.
And what goes away is your ability to think and reason and to find creative solutions. So you're only able to grab the immediate, because that's what the that's what you that's what you do in the fight or flight. That's what your brain does. And you're not able to reason and have good solutions to issues and to problems. So it's very easy to get sucked into this kind of animal brain when you're on stress. Now, also the brain gets depleted of chemical, certain chemicals and nutrients when you're eating experiencing stress, so it makes you sluggish and inefficient.
If you're in stress, you may experience a lot of slow days, which you may counter by drinking tons of coffee. But really, if you get rid of the stress, it may actually help your brain to be more alert and for you to function better. Also, when you're in stress, it becomes more difficult to focus. You get distracted more you use, it's harder to learn new things. It's hard to concentrate. You get in sometimes even if you take the stress with you, for your whole day.
It becomes hard to sleep because we have anxiety. And we have racing thoughts and it becomes hard to sleep and guess what happens the next day, your brain works even worse because you didn't get enough sleep and it's a cycle. And by the way, when they say you have a hard time learning, don't picture yourself just oh, I'm done with my high school. I don't need to be or college. I don't need to learn anymore. I mean every day when somebody explained something to us when we have to figure something out We're learning, and it's an integral part of our everyday and career success.
Also, what happens when you're on stress? And keep in mind that this happens a lot in work environments, which especially if you manage people, when you become more stressed, what happens is your brain keeps looking for the immediate solutions. So things that aren't the immediate solutions become irritants, even though they may be good suggestions, you just can't process them at the moment, you need immediate solutions. So we lash out, we get angry, we get annoyed quickly. And even little things like some outside noise maybe that we would ignore otherwise starts to really bother us, you know, some new sense a little nuisance that if we were in a good mood, it would totally analogous. It just bothers the, you know, it just really, really takes over our consciousness and we're like, really annoyed by it.
Did you ever did we ever in a situation where there were two people and there was some outside Noise maybe something in the background? Maybe repetitive noise and one person totally ignore that didn't care. And the other person was like, Can you can you hear that noise? Oh my god, I can't, how do I stop this noise? What? What is it coming from, and they just will obsess about that noise and they will get angry because they're, they're in the middle of their stress response.
And stress actually has a lot of chronic long term problems as well. So, immediate stress, if you can get over it, that's fine. But if you have stress all the time, like if you strike job is very stressful, we can make it less stressful. If your social or family situation is something that's or finances are a big, big thing for business owners and for people. financial stress is huge is sometimes doesn't go away, it's perpetual. It takes a long time to resolve that.
And what happens when we have stress actually, our brains can actually shrink over time. And stress can cause brain cells to die, and usually the areas of the brain that are mostly affected by long term stress are areas of the brain that have to do with learning and memory. And from this course, you already know about how important memory is for intelligence. And of course for learning, you always have to learn new things. And I your job, in your business, whatever it is, I mean, every day you would like learning you think so those are really integral parts of the brain. And another bad thing is that it creates, the more you live in fear and anxiety with those states of consciousness, then the more your amygdala is active, and the more that your other you know, your brain just gets used to okay this part is taking over.
So it's actually training the brain to do more and more so it becomes a like a vicious cycle because it just, and especially the original cause of stress, it takes less of it to cause us stress hormones. term. So maybe originally it caused it had to be alive, very stressful to cause a stress later, because our brain is naturally kind of programmed, okay, this thing called stress. So whenever we see it again, it's gonna cause stress again. And so it takes it takes less and less of the original stressor to get to high stress point for us. So it's actually a lot of vicious cycles this way.
So what you have to do is avoid the stressful situations and you know, the strategy, you have to find the root of what caused it, was it something external? Was it something like a train of thought internal that was maybe premature, and then you caused your own stress prematurely. That's often the case we cause our own stress without the stresses even without the threat really even being that big of a threat. So if you look at the fears that you have the causes of threat sometimes if you think through them, if you rationalize them, not at the moment, will you not You know when you're not stressed you can see all I overreacted, it was too early. There was so many other things that could have happened you know, there were so many reasons all the time for us not to you know, we just jump into it because as soon as our as soon as we let our like amygdala takeover it all it all it knows is fear and fear and anger and things like that.
And we just want to stay in that evolved brain, slow things down. Think through them. think through what caused that, how we got there and really do the problem solving of like, Okay, how can I avoid this next time, and that's the you know, or sometimes you just have to take yourself away from certain situations that cause you stress because sometimes things are just not really worth experiencing the stress because the other part of stress is having a nice life.