Let's go ahead and inspect this for 3d printing. So we'll go to our Edit Mode, go to 3d printing. Another trick you can do is if you don't want all of these polygons, you can see where, where we use the dynamic topology, it's kind of a more dense of a mesh. So let's just kind of simplify this mesh. Let's go into object mode, turn on our wireframe. And let's go to modifiers.
And do decimate, let's just turn down the face count. So even maybe by half point five, so notice the triangles down at the bottom, we got 163,000. But if we decimate by point five by half, that should drop it. So now we only have at 1000. And that's better. That should even make it easier to do some of our cleanup.
And notice not we didn't really lose any detail on our snowman here. You could even go even further maybe like point one and now you Certain see a little bit of deformation not a ton. So maybe even leave it like that. A safe one I usually uses like point three. Maybe we'll go with point three. And you can even crank up see how some of the wireframes disappearing, you can increase this how much you know how, how much wireframe Do you really want to see.
So you can slide that little slider sometimes I usually just leave it at one. I like to see all of it. I guess I'm kind of old school, I might even take it down to point one. Let's go ahead and apply that. Now we only have 16,000 so much lighter of a file can move around and more people will be able to 3d print your model because it will be light and fluffy. Like this snowman.
So let's check all now and see if that does. Oh hey Looky there. We've got zero everything. That's what I like to see. We do have some overhangs so we could even go back into our scopes now and kind of move those up a little bit. So let's try that.