So this is our basic custom ring. Let's do down here and say custom ring. And these can be our custom ring, inner, and our custom ring outer layers. And now let's add some text. So I want to add some text around the outside of this ring. So to do that, let's create a new ring.
And I'm going to go under curve and do a circle. And notice there's a tiny little circle right here, but we need to scale it up. So let's hit s n, scale it up. Maybe go into the top view, and scale it up until it's about even with your outer edge of your rank, and click. Now we're going to add some text. So let's shift a go to text.
And notice in the very middle there you have text and if we're an object mode, switch over to edit mode and you'll notice a little text indicator and just start Backspace, you know kind of deleting on your keyboard and type anything you want. I'm just going to type in custom text and hit tab. And now we have custom text right there that can be really easily manipulated. Let's go ahead and rename that custom text. And now we have some custom text. Let's go into the font tab and check that we have some geometry.
And let's extrude this up ever so much. That looks about good. Maybe point two. So now, let's add an effect and go to modifiers and add a curve. So the curve object we can set to the Bezier curve. And if we zoom out here, notice that we have our Spot kind of turned here, let's say it's facing the wrong direction it's actually looking down.
So let's go back to our custom text and rotate on the X degrees 90. And there you go, you can kind of see it, it's hidden here on the ring. So let's take the Bezier curve, and just scale it up ever so slightly. There we go. All right, now we've got this cool custom text, but it's backwards. So what we need to do is flip flop that and to do that, we can go into our Bezier curve, make sure we still have that selected, hit tab to go into edit mode.
And then under segments, you can switch direction. And then now we have custom text that is going the right direction right around our ring. So let's go ahead and go back to object mode and we want this text to be read Little large, it's pretty tiny right now compared to our tiny ring. So let's go to our text and just scale these up real quick. Okay, that looks pretty good. And now we can see that it is wrapping around our ring, just like we wanted, it's a little high.
So I'm going to hit G on the keyboard and Z to bring that down. Let's go to three on the numpad and just Gz to slide that up and down and really get it centered with the ring. That looks pretty good. Now we have a custom ring with custom text, it's a little too much sticking out. So I'm gonna go back to the custom text here and go to our font and just change the extrude depth just a little bit. So it just barely pokes out like that.
So we're going to stop here and this will be set up as our Custom ring collection and we'll use this as kind of our base starting mode for any clients or ourselves that we want to make extra or new rings with. So in the next video I'm going to show you how to make a ring for a client or for yourself using this custom ring collection and quickly make custom design rings.