Shading & Body Work

7 minutes
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But I want to show you some shading. So we went to the shading tab. And now let's change the material of our car, change the base color to you can do red, you can do green, you can do blue, any color you want. I'm gonna do a red sports car. And then you can click on the tires or the wheels and do a new material. So we hit New.

And now we've got a new material. And we can change that base color to black. And now, when we look around, you can turn your overlays off. Then you got a cute little 3d car almost ready for 3d printing. But before we print it, let's add some more details. I think we can make this way cooler.

So let's go back to layout mode. And let's go let's go to our car layer, go into edit mode and let's go to base select and select the top of the car. Maybe just you know maybe just shift click this whole top here. What we're gonna do is kind of make it hollow inside. So this is gonna get weird for a second but what we're gonna do is shift D, and duplicate this little hood layer right on top of that. So just hit escape if you moved it, and now click to accept it.

So now we have layers on top of layers, we're gonna hit l to select the link. And notice it only did the top part. So that's how we know we have the new geometry we just made. And now let's pop that off. So we're just going to hit p to pop it off, we're going to separate or pop it off by a selection. Notice we've got a new car layer.

So let's go into object mode. Let's rename that. Windows. Now we've got our windows. Actually, let's rename it, car windows. That way they'll keep it together.

And let's go into edit mode on our car windows and just select all and let's scale it in we want to go inside of the car there. And then let's turn the car later on. And now what we can do is go to edge mode and bring these on down with a you can extrude lines, maybe restrain it in the z axis. And we can bring that down, you know, however low we want to go. That looks pretty good. Let's go to side view so we can see where our cart is, maybe turn our car back on.

We don't want to go through the bottom of the car. So now make sure you close it, sometimes I forget that so, you know, double click on this loop and hit F to fill and that is our windows. So now we're going to take all the kind of the windshield and the side windows in the back and insert them ever so slightly. So we'll just insert that looks pretty good. And do that for each face here. I inset and what we're doing is making like the bars or the support bars for the car and the windows here so just inset just kind of Bought there, and then inset the back one.

And now what you want to do is grab the faces and just shift click on all the faces. And we're going to extrude out, and that's going to pop out through the windows kind of through the glass. So just a little bit there. And now we have cut these, these are customizable, so you can always go back and change this cutout. And to cut it out. Let's go into object mode, click on our windows first, and then shift click on the car.

And then we can use our bool tool and we're going to do a brush Boolean difference. And bottoming, we've got some car windows and you can customize those lines. Just take your windows into edit mode and you can move and bend those as you wish. You know. So I'll show you an example. You could grab maybe one of these lines or edges here.

Grab one of these spacers and push it down or you could pull it forward. You could scale it up, you know do anything you want and you can see it live update right there. So that's pretty cool. And that's really what I wanted to show you just how easy it is to make super complex cutouts. And the reason this is going to work is because we have a flat edge. And then we have the 45 degree angle because we're going to be 3d printing the car on the side.

So that's kind of the little magic trick here. It's just keep your 45 degree angles. And now let's, we could stop, but let's add some more details. Let's make some headlights. So I'm just gonna click on these kind of beveled edges here and insert those just a little bit, and these will be our headlights. And now let's go to edge and subdivide and maybe do it once more.

There we go. Hey, let's do the same thing on the back of the car. So, we'll just shift select those inset and subdivide it twice. donating Alright, now, we just need to select. So this is a good time to switch to the circle select, and you can kind of paint anything that circle touches will highlight it, and you can undo it with Ctrl click and that will deselect whatever it's touching. So just, you know, get the circle the outer little circle there on some of the polygons.

And that will highlight those really easily. So we're going to get all the lights and then extrude them inward. And that's going to push them into make just kind of like a little headlamp. And we still have, you know, individual origins. And that's why this works like this. And there we go, maybe scale it in just a little bit if you want, or you could just leave it how it was.

And now we have some lights. And while we have these lights selected, let's go ahead and make them glow kind of like I did in the example where you can just add a new layer, but instead of doing it there, let's do it on the side, go to the material tab and then let's add a new material and it's going to be assigned to just those headlines. That we have selected. And then let's do a new, call it new. And instead of this principal shader, let's click on that and change it to emitter. And that's going to emit light, you can crank that up to maybe like 10.

And that'll make those lights really bright when you're in shading mode. And you can go into, you know, shading, or look to maybe go into object mode. And now we've got cool lights on our car. And that's just for fun, just so you can pre visualize if you want to take some pictures of the model. So now let's make a grill, we can insert that front face there, and just push it and you don't want to go past the wheel well, there's just a little bit and we can do leave it there or scale it in just a bit. And that looks pretty cool.

Maybe we can do something on the back of the car. So maybe do like a license plate or something like that. So we can do it kind of similar to the grill, but just select that back face, scale it in. And then we're going to hit scale and lock it to the x axis and just slide it into it looks more Like a license plate, and I want a little tip bar. So let's just scale the whole thing down. And then we can hit grab with G and go down on the z axis.

So just grab and z, and I'll slide it down. And then we can do our extrude trick. So just E and scale it in just a little bit. Now, you know, you could put your actual license plate number on there, since we've worked with text, but let's just keep going. And that looks pretty cool. This would really work.

Let's go and check it out in the rendered view. If you've made it this far. Congratulations.

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