In this lesson, I'm going to be teaching you how to make a door wedge that looks like a piece of cheese. And you can make this with just a few simple shapes. Let's get started. So first, let's do general. And we can go ahead and use this cube let's look at, we can rename this cheese wedge. And in this video, I'm going to be using a blender add on called bool tool, and you can add that in your preferences under add ons and just search for bool.
And then just make sure you have that turned on and we're going to be using that later. But let's go back to the View tab. And let's scale up our cube until it's about 50 millimeters. Just keep on scrolling. And if you hold Ctrl you can get really tiny slide increments, so that's 50. Now we have a 50 millimeter cube that's about the height of a door wedge.
And now we're going to it's going to be very simple but all we have to do is click on your cheese wedge box and hit tab. And now we're in edit mode. And what we want to do is grab the edge select, and then just grab one of these corners and just hit G to grab it, and then z to lock it on the z axis. And then when you move your mouse, it's just gonna slide this up and down. So we want to bring this all the way down till it almost touches the very bottom one, just like that. Maybe even go even further, you know, so it's same thing, just grab with G and then hit z.
And we want that pretty thin. That's cool. And then we still want this to be 50 millimeters tall, you know. So if we look from the side, so all we have to do is go into space mode, we can grab this space, just rotate to the back there and grab that back face and we can go to the side view, and then just hit G to grab it and we can lock it on the y axis. Now we can kind of stretch this out to our liking. So get kind of the curve you want for your door wedge, you could do a short door wedge, I probably wouldn't work, or you could do a longer one, maybe somewhere in there.
So now we've got a kind of basic door wedge shape. And let's go back to object mode. Check out our scale our scale ratios all out of whack. We need these to be ones pretty much at all times. So let's go to Object, apply rotation and scale and we fixed it. Now what we want to do is get this ready for 3d printing but I think we can make it look a little cooler.
So I want to show you this bool tool that I was mentioning earlier.