Build the Car Body

3 minutes
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Let's do a new Gen project. And let's save this S, we can just call it toy car. And for this one, we're going to use a new tool called the bool tool, and you need to turn this on in your preferences. So go to Edit, preferences, and then go to add ons and do a search for bool Bo L. and you should see object bool tool, and just make sure you have that box checked. You can look at some hotkeys right here and then hit save. So let's use this new add on for some kind of quick Boolean.

Now that you understand kind of what's going on when a Boolean happens, this is a quick way to do them with just your keyboard or you can use this tool here. So we're going to use the cube, go ahead and click on your cube and go into edit mode and we want to make sure we're in the front view. So hit one on your numpad and that will switch you to brought mode. Let's put our information on Here, and we're going to loop cut this. So Ctrl R, and loop, cut that right in the center and I kind of moved it around. So if you ever do that, just tap zero and that will put it right there in the center, hit enter, or click away.

And now we have the front and the back of our cube. So zoom in here, and go to face mode, select the front of the car, make sure you select the front of the car and the back of the car with the shift click and so now we're going to change the pivot point from median point to individual origins. And that's gonna set kind of a origin for each one of these faces. And then let's extrude type D, and then just hit one on the numpad. And now it's extruded both of these in one millimeter, in and out. So that's the basic shape of our car.

This is a super boxy car, let's rename this cube to car, because that is our car, buddy. And let's keep going. Let's grab this the top have our car here. And let's go to side view, maybe front view and scale it down with just s and somewhere in that ballpark. And now we're going to grab it. And this is the important part.

Let me zoom in here. So you can see this grid behind it, we want to make this angle right here, about 45 degrees, which is somewhere in this ballpark. So let's keep an eye on this, the slope here, and we'll grab the top one, the top face and grab on the z axis. And we're just trying to make that angle 45 and that's about right right there. So now we've got a 45 degree angle. We can go to the side, you can even you know grab the the hood of the car and kind of pull it back if you want fast sports car.

We'll do it a little bit just to add some flavor. And also so you know which way is the front. So this is our basic cart. Let's round out the the kind of the hood there So let's go to edge mode. We'll take that one, hold SHIFT and click on that one and then let's bevel with Ctrl B. And just bevel those around.

Somewhere in there. Looks good. You could add some segments if you want. I'll do three. Now we've got a pretty basic outline of the cart. Let's add the wheels

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