So let's go ahead and create a new project. And let's save this as we'll just call it, Evie. And right away, we want to we can keep the cube. But what we want to do is go to our little camera here and make sure your render engine is set to Eevee. The old one was cycles. But this Eevee is a real time render engine that does a lot of things.
It does have some drawbacks, but for what we're doing today, it works really, really well. Let's go ahead and go into rendered view or you can just hit the and up and that'll take you into rendered view, not much is really happening here, because we don't have much going on. So let's shift a to add a plane. And it's pretty small. It's about the size of this cube, you can kind of see it there and just hit s and just scale it up. Pretty, pretty nice.
And I'm going to hit zero to go into my camera view. And let's go to our view tab and under view lock, you can lock camera to view so lock you can Review. Now when I move around in the camera view, I actually can see what I'm doing here. So that's pretty good. Let's go back to one. So notice the cue or the plane, let's see how big that is.
The planes about 26 millimeters, I'm going to reset my location, rotation and scale. Now what we're going to do is go into edit mode and go into edge mode and grab the back plane here, and let's just extrude so just type E, and then we're going to extrude in the z direction 24 times so roughly the same size as our bottom layer here. And what we're doing is just trying to make like a backdrop, you know, like a green screen or like wall that's all just kind of curved. So to do that, make sure you still in edit mode, click on the edge, and then we're going to bevel so hit Ctrl B, and bevel that out. And we want to add quite a few segments. So just scroll on your mouse wheel or just increase the amount of segments.
Let's do like 16, maybe even. Let's do 32. I want this really smooth. That looks cool. And let's go head back to object mode and let's under object do shade smooth, and that'll just make it a little bit smoother for us. Now we're starting to get somewhere notice we've got some lights going on, but we don't need this light here.
So get rid of your first and the light here. Just go ahead and get rid of that, click on it hit X. And we're going to bring in some new lights. So let's some kind of like studio lights. So let's hit shift a, and we're going to go to light and do an area light. And right now it's just pointing down.
You can kind of see this little square here, but we want to go up with it. So g and z, and that will bring it up. Notice we already got some lights going. And let's go back to our camera view and just get it right out of camera. So g and Z. Bring that on up.
Looks good. And let's go back to our site view or let's go back to one. And now look at that we're getting some kind of nice lighting, not too crazy, not too bad, but let's increase the size. So let's go to our light, and then on the size, just increase that you can just scale and drag. And notice we're getting a little bit more fall off on the edge of that box. So that's nice, just kind of open this area up as far as you want to go.
I'm going to go somewhere in there. Let's go back to our camera view. And I may even take the light up with G and Z. Just kind of get it on up in there. And now what we're going to do is go back to one, and we're just going to duplicate this light and drop it to the side. So we're just going to take the area, do shift D, and now we've got another one.
And I'm just going to lock it to the x axis, roll it to the you can kind of see the string coming from the center right there. Just put that to the edge of your screen here, and we're going to rotate with our on the y axis and just kind of turn that until the light is kind of at a right angle, just barely touching the edge over there. That looks good. And then we're going to shift D that, lock it to the x axis and just bring one to this side and rotate it on the Z 180. Now we're talking. So we've got some really cool studio lights.