Your Photo to a Flat 3D Plane

3 minutes
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In this lesson, we're going to be making 3d photographs, also known as litho pains. So this is a list of pain that you could sit on your desk, and super cool. Let's go ahead and jump into blender and see how to create it. Let's do a new project we'll do general. And then let's go ahead and save as I would call it 3d photo. And so we don't need this cube.

So let's go ahead and delete the cube. And we're going to go to our textures tab and add a new texture. Make sure it's an imager movie and then hit open. And then I have my recent over here and just find a photo you can use a photo provided or you can use a new photo that you prefer. I'm going to use this one of my lover lady ampere. And we'll just rename this lover VR moon because that's what she's doing.

And so next, keep in mind the size or the resolution of your image, because we're going to use that for the next step. So we'll do shift a add a mesh and a plane and notice it's a itty bitty bitty. So we need to scale that up. And we're going to use this number. So just take the first value, and just type it in for x. So 640 and then just divide it by maybe five or three, or, you know, you can kind of play with that number, but you just want to get this size, kind of something 3d printable.

So we'll do 640 divided by five, hit Enter. And that's 128. You know how I like my 100. So we'll keep that and then we'll do the same thing for the second value, which is 398. So we'll do that for the why 398 divided by five. And there we go, does it for us.

And you could also scale this up if you wanted to, you know, if you wanted to make it really big, but the important thing is that this shape, this square is the exact same shape as our photograph. That's what we're trying to achieve here. So I'm happy with that size. But notice our scale is all out of whack where we should have one here so it's the ratio is off. So easy fix, go object apply rotation and scale, boom, boom, done. Let's go into edit mode and subdivide.

So we're going to subdivide by 100. That's the max. And notice how many subdivisions there are. But we need more. This is kind of like resolution. So let's do edge subdivide.

And you can do, maybe two. If you have a fast computer, you could go all the way to five. But for this tutorial, we're going to keep it pretty simple. But two is enough. And now we've got like the resolution for this. So now let's add the photograph to it.

So we'll click on our plane layer, go to modifiers. And then let's go to displace, and nothing happens at first because we need to tell it, which pitcher to use. So we'll use our little lover VR moon and nothing really cool is happening yet. And that's because you got to switch it from local to UV, and that will let it pop out. But notice it's popping out in the wrong direction, the moon is kind of going up like a plateau. So we're just going to reverse that and do negative two for the strengthen and now everything is Going in the reverse direction.

And that's gonna help when we start to have like a light kind of come through the back of this in real life. And so now we can turn our light up scrubber light and go to the light tap and crank the power up to 200. Now it's really strong, and I'm just gonna grab that and put it over the moon. That looks pretty cool. So now you can already see the kind of hills and valleys if we go into shading tab, you can see all of those and it's looking pretty cool, but we still can't 3d print this because it's just like a flat piece of paper.

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