We've said enough, now it is time to take action. Welcome to your action step lecture. I shared many conversion techniques with you. And now you can choose which ones to apply into your business. I will not be surprised if you're already using some of these techniques. But even if you do, I would ask you to think how you can improve them.
For example, you have bonuses to your main offer. Great, but are these bonuses perfectly aligned? How many bonuses Do you offer? Do you mention the price of these bonuses so people know the value they're getting for free? Or how about social proof? As you well know, this concept could be applied to every page on your website where you ask for action?
Do we use video or written testimonials, subscriber counters or logos? In other words, how can you amplify these psychological Trigger called social proof. My favorite way to increase conversions is through applying the urgency principle to your plight. Do you have a countdown timer on your sales page? What would happen if users miss the deadline, maybe bonuses will go away. Maybe you will pull the offer away or maybe the price will increase.
You've got so much flexibility here. Alright, your action item for this section is to go over every page on your website where you ask visitors to take action and then write a plan on what you can improve and apply the concepts you've learned in this section. So do myself a favor, do yourself a favor in take action now. Thank you for watching and stay purposeful