The eighth model revealed Teach for behavioral change. When you start creating the information product for your business, chances are you will separate the content into sections or chapters with lectures or tutorials inside. That would be very smart view, because in this way you make the information more digestible, then if it is a just two hour long video, I highly recommend that your primary format for delivering information is video supported with written content, PDF files, for example. Now, let's get to the serious matters. The content you create must be of superior quality. We talked about that in the previous lecture.
I don't care the industry you're in competition is there. The purpose of this lecture is to teach you how to create high quality content that will help people get results. To start with we need to have a very clear understanding of what learning is a main characteristic of information products is that they teach people to do something. You understand that most of the time knowledge is useless if we don't apply it if we don't take action on what we know. That's why you hear big names say knowledge is only potential power. And what does this whole thing tell us?
It tells us that true learning is not simply a collection of facts. True learning is a behavioral change. True learning is a positive change in behavior. And this is how you have to think of learning as an activity. Now, I'm going to share my model for creating content that gets people to take action to change their behavior. Introducing the ape model, A stands for accurate, P stands for practical P stands for exciting.
And these are the qualities your content should have. It has to be accurate, practical and exciting. The first word accurate, it's very important to present accurate information, information that works. You don't want to mislead your prospects and customers because this will have a negative impact on your business. accurate in this sense means also timely information, because what worked in the past might not work today. For that reason, if the content you create and present doesn't come from an evergreen market, you will have to be doing the necessary updates.
The second word practical, the information you present should be practical meaning people can easily apply it in see results. complex concepts are challenging, I know but your job will be to simplify and express them clearly. One definition of the word practical is this connected with real situations rather than with ideas or theories. One way to make information practical is when you structure it. This will be your job, use a step by step approach and the psychology of small wins and your prospects or clients will be able to apply the knowledge. small wins are nothing more than progress points on your prospects way to the outcome they want to achieve.
And the psychology behind these progress points is that people experience the feeling of accomplishment. People experience the feeling of accomplishment that motivates them to go further and accomplish more and more until they get the desired outcome. In the last work exciting one of the rules in copywriting is this never be boring. never write boring copy. By the way, that's number one reason why people don't read the Because it is boring. Nobody wants to spend time on something boring.
So another task you have when creating content is to add a bit of excitement. I'll tell you how you can do that. But first, I will tell you what not to do. Forget about the corporate voice. People are social beings. We want to communicate with other people, not with companies.
Don't create a barrier between you and your prospect. To create exciting content. You have to be positive, conversational and polite. You should be always talking in terms of their interest. And now the biggest secret emotions are contagious. If you want to excite your prospect, be excited yourself when you present information, passionately and confidently.
That's the best way to go about it. Check out the difference. In this course, I'll teach you how to become a master of influence. In this course, I will teach you how to become an Master of influence, even notice the difference, same centers different energy level. Okay, let's recap. quality content means content that will help people solve a problem they have or achieve the result they want.
Number two, true learning is a positive change in behavior. Number three, use the eight model to create content that will facilitate the learning process and help people to take action. And before AYP stands for accurate, practical and exciting, thank you for watching and stay purposeful