So when you're purchasing your supplements, there are particular things to look out for when choosing your supplementation. And the main thing really is that you saw see food related projects. And that may sound strange when I say it's food needs to be a food source, that there are many synthetic products out there on the market. So it needs to be as natural as possible based on food extract, and without additives. And when we're just getting our supplementation from various places out there, you know, day to day, there can be a huge list of synthetics on the label. And that that may be things like talc or titanium dioxide.
Certain are due to certain sweeteners in their in supplements and so they're not going to be beneficial. So you want to have something that's really basic as a labor, so few ingredients, naturally Ideally organic ingredients, so that you're not using a combination of synthetics and additives in your products, because they'll just make the live a bit more sluggish. And also you won't get any benefit from them. Basically, they get urinated out of the system then and you don't, you don't get any benefit whatsoever. So first stages, food related projects, no additives in that project and make sure you read the labels. There's so many companies out there now and not all of them are going to be natural.
So you really do need to read the labels. And when you're thinking about supplements, if you can do choose capsules or liquids, and if you're choosing a capsule, you could open up those capsules so that gets into the system that much more quickly. And from there, you'll find that the absorption of nutrients will be so much better. So generally, tablets are much more difficult to digest and they do take a lot of digestive enzymes in order to break them down and supplements usually To be taken with foods unless it's actually recommended to take away from food. For example, acidophilus which is a probiotic, maybe suggest to take away from foods generally take them in the morning lunch and evening meals, and no later than 7pm with sacraments, particularly with things like magnesium, magnesium can affect sleep if you take it too late, even though it can be a useful sleep break later.
What's interesting is we need to keep it into the diet and the lifestyle at the beginning of the day and no later than 7pm. Otherwise it cannot promote the safe. So the B vitamins use them alongside your foods, but also don't take them too late at night because it can really energize the system. So it will really affect your sleep cycle if you take any supplements too late at night and so sleep remedies such as Herbes aisles generally with foods no more than one tablespoon or 2000 milligrams of oil such as Amiga three With a meal, so you're not overloaded on your supplements. And usually don't do too many a combination of supplements in one go. So no more than five things as a general formula.
I've met people who in the past you know the ticket or didn't breakfast to get it all out the way you do need to split your dosages throughout the day. And there's a general rule that for most segments, how much you can absorb in one formula. So for example, magnesium, you can't usually can't absorb more than two to 300 milligrams in one haste so you'd be splitting those dosages throughout the day, and not taking too much too quickly. So five supplements is the maximum amount you should take at one go and certain supplements will complement each other iron and vitamin C as I mentioned earlier, work really well together. Also, zinc works well vitamin C. lecithin works really well with me in threes. Combination of be convex works really Well with omega three also.
So you're starting to complement the supplements together and bring them in as a machine. One thing that I didn't mention earlier, which is something of a common deficiencies, ID, and that's something that you might want to do some research with and also speak to your practitioner about. It's something that we incorporate within the naturopathic lifestyle. We also need to be aware of dosages and what's individually right for the person. So I recommend with the idea that someone actually consults the practitioner based on their own individual needs. It's something that can be really useful for the thyroid glands.
And beneficial Generally, if you want to lose some weight, or if you feel like your metabolism needs that quick boost. So going back to supplement companies, or what you might use, we have a number of companies that we recommend the most common one for us, this needs to go and there's practitioner based company, and there are the companies out there which we we recommend that we'd always Make sure they're based on natural formulas and using as much as you can organic ingredients and natural ingredients. And it's a big issue where people are going out and getting buy in all sorts of supplements and they're not really reading the labels and they may not get benefit from that supplement and even more, so they may find that they feel worse taking it because of the additives in that supplement. So do be aware of that. And if there's a shortage of income and regards to supplement tations being bought, then you think about getting as much as you can from the diet and maybe growing some heads and thinking about superfoods as an option as well.