So a hydration diet for cellular cleansing the minimum four pints of water a day is the starting block for the hydration process, and then drinking fresh juices and smoothies that have a minimum amount of fruit and a maximum amount of vegetable within the balance of that drink. Most of the thinking about muesli and grains that you do soak them overnight for a minimum eight hours so they fully hydrated and that water that they're soaked in order needs to be of good quality. So your plant based low to maybe made yourself or your height, the water has just been taken through a filter. That would really make a difference with the hydration process. So I've been having muesli for breakfast, you would actually have it so or you could cut out the grain be stoked and that really makes a difference to the hydration process within the body at the cellular level.
The idea is that the more sustained your hydration is the more peace there is within the body and more balance when we're actually producing any level of dehydration would become hyphens with our emotions and within our stress levels. So if you're looking at a typical day of hydration you think about you know, avoiding those breakfast cereals which are dry and thinking about the soap to newsy or the porridge that have been quite previously soaked nuts and seeds can be quite quite popular these days but you do need to soak them for minimum two hours before you actually consume them. Otherwise they take up your to supply within the body. So the ideal thing would be to sow blend seeds or chia seeds overnight a couple of tablespoons with with water so they're fully hydrated and that into breakfast or a smoothie, and then any drinks that you may want to take the to dehydrated like caffeine, you would actually have a pint of water before drinking them that doesn't influence your fluid levels to to rapidly.
Lunch then would invite Having something again it's free. So like a brain or using some pulses again been free so even with red lentils even though it may say on the packaging, just cook from scratch, you know, don't soak them, you might actually think about soaking them because it makes a big difference to the hydration process. So for the first month of this program, I'd really advise to give up all your dehydrated foods. So your bread to crackers, your crisps, your breakfast cereals, and to really focus solidly, even if you do nothing else on this hydration process. So the four pints of water, the minimum caffeine that you can cope with, and also the water rich diet. So taking out all those dried foods, that in itself would create huge peace within the body and also to really help the kidney and liver function longer term.
And within within that when you actually do hydrate at a certain level. Your body then starts release toxins and through those toxic to able to let go of some of the emotions that may have been stored in the body for a long time. So the dietary hydration process is not just working on physical, it's working on the emotional health as well. So using naturopathic techniques, the stage when you're hydrated and essential fatty acids can make a really big long term improvement to the essential fatty acids will only work in the body where the system's got that hydration at a cellular level. And naturopathic techniques are useful when the body starts to let go through the hydration process. So you can see at this stage, if you don't get the cellular hydration right out, other things may not work or they may actually cause more stress.
For example, putting supplementation into a body that dehydrated will aggravate deliver may cause more liver congestion. So it's a fine balance between Solve the long term deficiencies detoxifying but also getting the hydration. Firstly, right. So if you've had a day where you may not have drop water, you may have had more caffeine drinks and you're used to, you don't want to not take supplements on those days and have two to three days of rehydration before or you take your supplements again. In the same way if you're under a lot more stress, some people think you should do more when you're stressed rather than less. In our philosophy we focus on naturopathic techniques, students stress and the water rich diet.
So we may not jump to too many supplements if a person has a lot of stress, because we know that supplements take water in order to metabolize them. So using our seven stages of treatment can be so powerful. The first three stages are simply water rich diet, your four pints of stage two is actually looking at the essential fatty acids and then stage three is natural Techniques detoxification with maybe some supplements at that phase as well. So start to look at the your own personal lifestyle as something you can break down into stages in terms of to heal the body. So you may want to just think about the next month working on this hydration process after cell level.